Cigarette Smoke

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Deku's POV

Another drag, as I look out over the old campus I used to go to school at, the smoke from my cigarette slowly drifting upwards. Everything has been flipped on it's head. With Toga back out, but as a split my already distorted perspective of this world. I believed in fate, that nothing in a person can change, but Toga has showed that maybe I was wrong. 

I check my old watch, as the time read 2:34 A.M. I sigh, as I walk around the temporary barracks, trying not to wake my fellow soldiers, knowing how precious our sleep can be. I slip on my old boots, and begin to walk around the campus, looking for some peace. It was a beautiful night, the building around U.A. with a few windows being light up, either by people working or some other stuff. I keep walking until I hear footsteps just ahead of me. As they walk closer, I notice it was non-other then my ex-teacher Aizawa.

"Izuku, your out late." He spoke. I just nodded.

"I can say the same about you." I responded, taking another draw from the cigarette I've had for a while now. He just chuckled.

"To be honest Izuku, I never expected you to become a smoker." I just shrug, then smile a bit.

"In our line of work, life is not a given, so I've decided I'm gonna live how I want, 'cause I rather not die with regrets." He just nods, smiling slightly.

"So...How have you been, Izuku?" Now, for some reason this shocked me. Maybe because it's Aizawa and I'm so used to him being...stoic, almost uncaring, it shocked me. Or maybe it because it's the most honest question I've been asked in forever.

"I-I've been good... I mean, I'm not dead, I'm saving the world, and I'm getting paid a whole lot more then most...with free living. So yeah, I've been good." He once again nods. "So, what's happened since I've been gone?"

"A lot. Eri started school. Her quirk has been fully trained, and it's been extremely useful. I can't wait to see what type of hero she becomes. Midnight and shockingly Mt.Lady started dating. But, I'm happy for them." I look at him

"And who stole your heart, sir?"

"Ms.Joke managed to actually do it. Made me laugh, without her quirk. That's when I noticed I really did love her. So, since then, we've been dating." My eyes widen hearing this.

"Holy fucking did it, mate." I say patting him on the back.  "Is that why you no longer look like you never sleep?" He just shrugs then nods.

"Maybe? I don't know Izuku, I guess it is." I smile at him.

"Well, looks like we both are happy. Well, I have to get to bed, if I want to be ready for tomorrow." I say. He nods as I turn around and walk in the opposite direction. My mind goes back to what  I said. Am I truly happy? This though runs through my mind a million times and before I knew it, I was back in the barrack. I climb back into the bed, knowing that soon enough, I'd be back recruiting my old friends. I sigh, before closing my eyes.

The next day

My eyes slowly flutter back to life, noise around the barracks, confirming everyone else was awake. I slowly push myself up, and look around. Chairs were set up around a T.V., with Grace, Emma, and Sam sitting there. Alexandr was cooking something, while Hibana and Marasu were playing some type of card game. Tsu was no where to be found, nor was Ela or Zofia. I get out of the bed, and walk over to the chairs around the T.V., showing a small terror attack in Finland.

"Six called about that, they have everything on lockdown. Low civilian casualties." spoke Sam. I just nod.

"Any idea who committed the attack?" I ask, looking for a lighter, a cigarette hanging from my mouth now.

"Not yet, but we suspect it was an attempt by some nationalist to start a civil war." Sam said again, as he hands me his Zippo lighter. I give him an appreciative nod as I light my cigarette. I take a draw, the look at Grace, who was on her tablet, doing something.

"Hey, Grace? Want to go to the store with me real quick?" I speak, as her head peaks up at me. 

"Sure, but can I know why?" She ask, which is reasonable enough.

"I don't know. After I finish my recruiting run, which I hope to finish today, we can have a small party since the festival isn't 'till Wednesday." I answer. She then just shrugs.

"Sure, let me get changed." I nod, as I go to change myself. I quickly change then check myself out in the mirror. It was simple, but nice. A blue t-shirt, with jeans, a old beat-up pair of Nikes, my watch, glasses and a hat strapped to my belt. I walk out and see Grace ready herself. She wearing a crop top, yellow jacket, short shorts, old high-tops, ear rings with her little 'logo', and a beanie.

"Ready?" she ask, as I nod. We both walk out, as I think about what to grab.

"So, where are we going?" She ask, as I check my phone notifications.

"There's a small liquor shop about... 5 minutes away? Give or take." I answer not looking up from my phone. She nods, as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"What drinks are we getting, anyways?" I look up from my phone then shrug.

"I'll find out when we get there. Some vodka, something fruity, and maybe just some classic beers. You know, keep it simple." I say, looking at Grace. "You know, I've noticed this for, like, the past year, but why do you wear fake glasses?" I ask. She just smiles, then chuckles.

"I have since, I don't know, Year 6? It was just a way to get away with all the pranks I pulled in school. I would set them up, then act all innocent and nerdy when my traps worked!" My eyes widen. So her whole glasses thing is just up to trick people.

"So this is some trick that has lasted longer then it should of?" I ask, not believing that some one could pull that much of a long hall lie.

"Yep! It just came to the point that I liked how I looked in them, so I just never stopped." She says, as I'm still in slight disbelief. Before I'm able to question her anymore, we reach the store. As I walk in, nothing much about it changed. I quickly go towards the back grabbing a 30 pack of Natural Light.  I look around for anything else that peaked my interest as I saw Grace holding two bottles of Vodka, a case of Fireballs and a bottle of Pink Whitney. We walk up to the counter and put everything down. The girl behind the counter began to scan all of the drinks. When she finished I decided to ask for one more thing.

"Can I get a bottle of Kiberry Yogurt juice?" I say pointing out the vape juice behind the counter.

"Sure thing." The woman behind the counter grabbed it, the scanned it. "Your total is 9351 Yen" I nod as I pull out my credit card and quickly type in the pin. As the machine read 'Transaction Approved' I give a slight nod, as I grab the Natural light and a bag, while Grace gets the rest. As we exit the store her eyes go wide.

"Shit! I need to go grab something else, brb!" She yells, as my mind goes to why she said 'brb' in a actual conversation. Did she really just... I mean... yeah no it doesn't make sense. As I basically argue with myself, she comes running back out.

"Sorry, it was something small." She said with a smile. I wanted to question her, but decided not to, seeing as the alcohol was still in my hands. We begin to walk back, as Grace just hums a song, though I couldn't tell what it was. We quickly get back to the barracks. As we enter, I see almost everyone was gone, except for me, Grace, and Sam. I put everything into the fridge, as Grace walks over to her bed.

"Well, I'm going to the gym. I'll see y'all in like an hour or something." I say, as I walk to go grab some training shorts. I quickly change into them, along with a tank-top. After that, I walk to the gym, ready for my daily training regiment.

(A/N Got bored, decided to continue it, I don't care if it isn't perfect or even great. I like it enough.)

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