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Sorry it's so short, and I'm sorry if it's not that good, but I got something up. :D Like always, VOTE. COMMENT. FAN. ENJOY.

P.S~ I'll be dedicating chapters to my lovely fans starting next chapter!


                                                           Chapter Twelve

                                                                   • Girl •

I’m not far from her now. Soon, she’ll be mine. She should know better than to run away from her fate. The rest of us learned that a long time ago.

            Roxanne’s words echo through my mind, giving me the motivation to sprint faster towards my target. “Go find Aubrey and bring her back. She has to fulfill her duties as the descendant, and we have preparations to make that she needs to oversee. She’s had enough time on her own. Bring her to me.” Because she’s the head alpha, I have to do as I’m told. Not that I have a problem with tracking Aubrey. I’ve wanted to teach that girl a lesson for a long time now. Roxanne didn’t say anything about not harming her. I think I’ll teach her something she’ll never forget.

            I pause, staring out from a gap between two trees. An old, monochromatic house rests on top of a gentle incline, burned around the edges. Taking a deep breath, I catch the familiar hint of mint in the air. Looks like this is where Aubrey has been hiding out. I hear her laugh, and the soft creak of footsteps down the stairs. The red door opens, and she walks out. I think about rushing out and grabbing her right then, but then I’ll have to kill the girl with her. I really don’t feel like disposing of a dead body today. I’ll just have to wait until she’s alone.

            They get into a car and drive away, leaving me to plot out exactly how she’s going to be mine. A blue Jeep arrives, and a man appears on the front porch. With black hair, a muscled physique, and a chiseled jaw, I’ve never seen someone quite like him. For a moment, I’m lost in his eyes before a thought occurs to me.

            This is who Aubrey has been staying with. Does this mean that she’s fallen in love? Short time frame, but if it’s the person you’re supposed to be with, time doesn’t matter. I have to go tell Roxanne.

            I turn around and start into a sprint, thoughts consumed by this new revelation. My senses tell me that someone there has feelings for Aubrey, and that’s definitely not good. Not good at all. Aubrey knows that she can’t complete her duties as the descendant if she loves. She’s not even allowed to love Paul. Love is a weakness.

            I’m so focused on returning to the pack house that I don’t notice the hiss a few feet away from me. At least, not until the one that owns it leaps out and tackles me to the ground.

            This creature looks like a gigantic lizard. How is that even possible?

            Baring my fangs, I try and swipe at the creature with my claws, but it tightens its grip on my shoulders. Hissing, it slashes a clawed hand across my throat, clear-colored venom dripping from its fingertips. My body goes numb and I can’t feel it. I can’t even move. Panic settles into my stomach and I scream for help, desperate. No one can hear me, and I know that no one is coming, but I really don’t want to die.

            “Please, don’t hurt me. No, I don’t want to die…” I sob, feeling helpless.

            The creature studies my face curiously and stands up, crouching over me. In one fluid motion, it takes its hand and buries it into my calf. It drags them deliberately slowly up my leg, stopping at the top of my thigh. The pain is agonizing, and I scream the whole time. Despite the fact that I’m paralyzed, I can still feel everything. How unfortunate, because I think this is the worst pain anyone could ever be in. Ironic that I was planning on doing the exact same thing to Aubrey.

            The claws sink into my stomach, causing me to gag as the blood gurgles up. My mouth tastes like iron and I spit it out, still sobbing. Death is inevitable now, but I don’t want to go. Not like this. I’ve inflicted too much pain on others, and there’s no time to make it right. This is exactly what I deserve. When the claws are thrust up towards my vital organs, the light starts to fade.

            I’m done screaming now. It won’t help me, so there’s no point. My ribs are sliced open, giving access to my lungs and heart. It’s all over now. I start to lose my vision, and everything blurs around me. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry… Everything goes black, and before I’m lost, I realize that I had said those last things out loud.

                                                                 • Aubrey •

The phone on the seat next to me is ringing. Though the volume is low, it hurts my ears. A sharp pain runs up my right leg and I wince. Slowly, I reach over and look at the contact information. Stiles Stilinski. I answer right before it goes to voicemail again.

            “What the hell do you want?”

            He makes a sound of relief. “Thank God you’re okay.” I wince again as a pain twists in my stomach, and I growl. “You are okay, aren’t you?”

            I close my eyes, trying not to be sick. “Not really, but it’s nothing to worry about. We’ve got a problem, though.”

            “I highly doubt cramps compare to a dead body,” he says. If he was here, I would have slapped him.

            A pain slices across my ribs, almost unbearable, before it stops abruptly. I relax my tense muscles, letting out a long breath. What just happened?

            A feeling of dread replaces the pain. “Tell me everything.”

            “It might be easier to just show you. Where are you right now?”

            I look out the window, surveying my surroundings. I purposefully ignore the pile of clothing a little way into the woods, along with a pair of stiletto heels― the same that I owned a few days ago. Besides that, there are just trees in the blackness; the sun set just as the pain began and the car was abruptly pulled over.

            “I’m in the Bahamas, drinking a Pina Colada,” I say dryly. “Where do you think I am, Stiles? I’m on some back road in the woods.”

            “Okay, I’m on my way.” He pauses for a second. “Wait, you’re alone?”

            I glance over at the empty seat next to me. The cold presses in on me from all sides. “Yeah, that’s the problem.” My voice drops to a whisper. “Lydia’s gone.”

A/N: You all might want to get used to cliffhangers! XD 

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