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I'm so sorry this chapter wasn't up sooner, but I became really busy. You guys are awesome for getting 110 votes, and I love you all!


                                                       Chapter Thirteen

                                                             • Aubrey •

The Blues Brothers and T.V. dinners― just what I was planning to do tonight,” Lydia said sarcastically. “Can you hurry up the process? I don’t really want to be seen in public with you.”

            I scanned the rows of movies; I hadn’t heard of most of them. “Shut up and enjoy the simplicity.” Benoit used to always tell me that whenever I complained. In his mind, always staying inside of a house where everyone accepted you was an easy life. Of course, nothing about my life was simple.

            She pouted, keeping quiet for a minute. “Okay, are you ready to go now?”

            Laughing under my breath, I asked, “Did you ever learn how to be patient?”

            She glared at me. “The only things I wait for are shoes and the new iPhone.”

            Chuckling, I thought about how normal I felt around Lydia. Unlike Jake, she didn’t focus on that fact that I was a werewolf or talk about the descendant stuff. Instead, she took me shopping and rented movies. She came to me with her simple boy problems and snuck a container of Ben and Jerry’s in the cart when we were shopping for dinner and she thought I wasn’t looking. No, we weren’t friends, but I felt like it wouldn’t be so hard if we were. Well, maybe we already were.

            I made my way to the counter and Lydia paid for the movies. Along with The Blues Brothers, I rented Secondhand Lions and The Notebook― because, according to Lydia, it was the best movie of all time. Not that I really trusted her judgment.

            We were on the road, arguing about hot actors, when it happened. There wasn’t anything I could do to brace myself. Lydia froze, breath leaving her body. Almost like she wasn’t in control of herself anymore, she opened the door and jumped out, landing on her feet like it was effortless. She looked back at me, face pale, and screamed. Time seemed to stand still, and I struggled for control of the car. All I saw were trees, and then I was motionless and numb, screams echoing in my ears. When I glanced back, Lydia was gone with just a pile of clothes to signal her disappearance.

            Smoke billowed from the hood of the car, smashed against a tree. I was suddenly, acutely aware of the cold pressing in on me from all sides. I felt so small and alone, so I stayed absolutely still until the pain ripped through me. Biting down on my hand, I refrained from screaming. Of course, all that did was leave a bite mark in my hand. Stupid fangs.

            The sun set and I didn’t blink. Nothing. I did nothing. I should have done something.

            Someone knocks on the window three times. I jump, startled by the sudden noise. I slowly reach over and roll the driver’s side window down; Stiles sticks his head in. “Hey there, kiddo,” he says.

            I shoot daggers from my eyes and draw back into the shadows. “I’m not in the mood, Stilinski.”

            He nods. “Right, you’re PMS-ing.” Suddenly, I’m wishing I had a knife. After all, supernatural creatures technically don’t exist, so I think I get a ‘get out of jail free card’. But then I wouldn’t have a lab partner anymore.

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