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FOR THE REST OF THE afternoon, Ivy hung out and had dinner with the Cullens, she being the only one actually eating, but they kept themselves busy so it wouldn't be awkward. Rosalie and Jasper kept a bit of a distance from her, but Ivy didn't let it bother her. Emmet may be the funniest guy she's ever known.

Carlisle had invited Ivy to join his family for a baseball game they planned to have soon, and she happily agreed to his offer.

Later that afternoon, Edward drove her home. Ivy still finds his driving speed insane, but at the time, she just concentrates on their intertwined hands. They pull up to her driveway, next to Beau's truck. "Your brother's home," Edward says, looking towards the house. "I can leave and come back to pick you up tomorrow for school," he suggests.

"No, you should come in. You're my boyfriend, Edward. Beau has to recognize that you are going to be around, whether he likes it or not," Ivy tells him before glancing at the house as well. Her brother may be stubborn, but he can't control her love life.

"Are you sure, Iv?" Edward asks. "I don't want your relationship with your brother to worsen more because of me."

"I'm not looking for a fight," Ivy tells him softly. "If anything, I hope he can push aside his beliefs long enough to see that you're an amazing person."

He nods with a hint of a smile, "Then let's go."

He gets out of the car first as Ivy grabs her bag. By the time she got it, he had opened the passenger door for her. Ivy smiles at him as he takes her hand in his. They walk up the short pathway to the front door. Ivy takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.

Ivy turns the door nob to find the door unlocked. "Hey, I'm home!" Ivy calls out as she leaves her bag on the hook next to the door.

"I'm over here!" They walk into the kitchen to find Beau putting away dishes.

"And I brought company," Ivy adds as he turns.

His eyes automatically fell on Edward, a grim expression taking over his. "I see that," she notes, her voice becoming much quieter.

"Beau," Edward greets politely with a nod. "I don't mean to intrude."

He remains silent, turning back to put away some plates into a cupboard. Edward sighs before turning to Ivy.

"Oh, come on. You're not even going to try and get along with him?" Ivy asks him, keeping her voice at an even tone. "We're making an effort, Beau. The least you could do is attempt to do the same."

He sets the last dish down before turning around, only meeting his sister's eyes as if Edward weren't even in the room. "I don't trust him around you, Ivy."

"I know there is little I can say that will change your mind about me, but you should know I do love your sister," Edward says, bringing Beau's attention to him. "It feels like it took forever for us to find each other, but here we are. You don't have to trust me, but do trust that I would never willingly hurt her. I love her too much," He confides.

Ivy squeezes his hand as she looks at him with a small smile. She adores this man with her whole heart.

Beau looks between them for a while before speaking. "Yes, I can see that," he says softly before sighing and looking down. "Doesn't change the fact that you are dangerous."

"If I didn't trust that I could keep control of my instincts enough around Ivy, I wouldn't be around her in the first place. Besides, we've both been sure to be cautious about the dangers this relationship could bring," Edward replies honestly.

"Should I be worried about the dangers of your and Jacob's relationship?" Ivy asks her carefully before taking a seat at the dining table as Edward soon does the same.

"No, that... that's not an issue," Beau stutters, taking a seat as well. "Jake, well, he- he imprinted on me."

"Ew, is that a metaphor for something?" Ivy asks before looking at him earnestly, her eyes wide. "Do I need to kill him?"

"No, no, it's not like that. It's a kind of bonding that happens to their kind. From what I know of it, it's pretty rare," Edward tells me. "It's like a mark. As long as Beau lives, he is bound to Jacob in a way that ties Beau to his pack," he clarifies.

"It's a bit more than that, but, yeah, basically," Beau agrees reluctantly, placing his hands in his jeans pockets. He then looks at Ivy before confessing, "We actually started dating not long after he imprinted. I wanted to tell you, but I just kept putting it off. I didn't want you getting pulled into the supernatural world if I could help it. Plus, I didn't know how you would feel about me hanging out with a pack of wolves."

Ivy leans back in her chair as she takes a moment to think. It wasn't long ago that she had said the same to Edward about him. "How long have you been together?" She asks.

From the look on his face, Ivy could tell he was hoping she wouldn't ask that. "Not long after the school year started," he admits, fidgeting with his hands.

"That was months ago!" Ivy says, her eyebrows raising.

"I was trying to protect you," Beau muttered with a shrug.

"No, you were scared," Ivy disagreed calmly. "It's okay, Beau. You can admit it. You were scared of how I would react." He inhales for a moment before reluctantly nodding. "If it makes you feel any better, I was scared too."

"Of what?" He looks up at his sister.

"I don't know. That you would see me differently? I've always looked up to you, and now I- I don't know. I just didn't want our relationship to change," Ivy admits.

Beau nods. "I guess we both failed at that."


"I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, Edward. I'm just looking out for my little sister," he apologizes, trying to look at the vampire directly in the eye but ultimately failing.

"No worries. I appreciate your protectiveness over her." He pauses for a moment. "I believe Jacob and I's families started on the wrong foot. If you're willing to pass on the message, my family and I are hosting a private baseball game this weekend. You and Jacob are more than welcome to join us."

Beau takes a moment to consider before asking, "Isn't there going to be a thunderstorm this weekend?"

"That's kinda the point," Ivy grins at her.

"Oh, then, yeah. I'll text him in a bit about it," he nods again.

This worked out better than Ivy had expected, and she couldn't be happier about it.

A/N: Don't forget to comment and vote! Stay safe and healthy! Ily all! <3 ~Zoe Manijeh 08/02/2022

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Word count: 1188

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