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"LA PUSH BABY!" ERIC YELLS as Beau and Ivy walk over to two big black vans that all of their friends are sitting in.

Edward is so full of shit. The beach is almost empty.

Ivy can see a few people taking advantage of the sun as they surf the waves in the expansive ocean. As they sit on the edge of the entrance of one of the vans, one of Beau's friends runs past, saying, "Paddling out, Coates," making way to the shore.

In the other van, Jessica, Eric, and Mike argue as they put their surf gear over their swimsuits.

"So I keep thinking that Eric's going to ask me to the prom, and he just... doesn't," Angela tells Beau, Violet, and Ivy.

"You should ask him," Beau tells her, eating a Twizzler.

"Yeah, take control. You're strong and independent," Ivy agrees with her brother.

"Really? Just ask?" Angela asks.

"Yeah! Don't doubt yourself," Violet encourages.

"Hey! Will you zip me up?" Jessica asks Angela.

"Yep." She replies.

"So Jacob said that he would meet us at that big rock that we used to climb," Beau tells Ivy, handing her a Twizzler.

"Kay," she says, taking the Twizzler with her teeth before taking a bite.

"Ooooh. Who's Jacob?" Violet jokingly asks.

"He's one of our friends from growing up," Ivy tells her after swallowing her snack.

"Oh. Have fun. Sorry, your date bailed," she says.

"What date?" Blase asks curiously, exiting his car and walking over to the vans.

"She invited Edward," Jessica replies with a small laugh.

"Oh. You still talking to him?" Beau asks curiously.

"I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does," Violet says.

"Yeah, 'cause he's a freak," Mike grins.

"Are you kidding me?" Ivy asks, disappointed. "Wow, Mike. Beau, let's go," she tells Beau and quickly starts walking towards the shore.

Once he catches up to his sister, he asks, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit tired," Ivy tells him.

"Well, he wouldn't have come anyway... The Cullen's never come here." he says.

"What do you mean?" Ivy asks, confused.

"Just ask Jacob," Beau says. "Wait until you see him. He cut his hair. You would never guess that he was only 16!" he adds.

Ivy tilts her head to the side as she thinks. "He couldn't have changed that much since I last saw him. I mean, we only saw him just a few years ago." Once they get to the rock, Ivy leans against it. "Do you remember the mud pies!" she laughs.

He huffs a smile and says, "Yeah, I do. We were very talented chefs." The memory makes Ivy smile.

Suddenly, a very tall, shirtless, muscular figure walks around a corner and makes his way to Ivy with a smile. "What? No way, that's him." Ivy quietly says to Beau, surprised. "Holy crap. He got-" she started.

"Hot? Yeah," Beau scoffs, finishing her sentence, not tearing his eyes away from the figure.

"Holy crap," Ivy repeats. "Glow up alert."

"Well, well. If it isn't the Swan siblings in the flesh." Jacob says with a cheeky smile.

"Hey, Jake," Beau says, hugging him and pattign his back.

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