Careless With Life

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Narrator's POV:

Team RWBY has just awoken and are preparing to go find Blake. As they approach the bullhead, they notice Pyrrha, who appears to be staring at something.

Ruby: Hey Pyr-

Pyrrha: (covers Ruby's lips with her hand) Shhh...

Yang: What are you doing here?

Weiss: Where's your team?

???: When are you going to quit implying that I'm suicidal?

Everyone falls silent as they turn to look at Ms. Goodwitch and (Y/N). Who appear to be debating something.

Goodwitch: When you begin to act as if you desire to be alive.

(Y/N): Return my weapon to me.

Goodwitch: Why?

(Y/N): Because I'm not suicidal, and I'm heading to Vale to find Blake to prove it.

Goodwitch: What happened last year when you went on a mission with me?

(Y/N): (crosses her arms) I was on the verge of passing out and almost died. What? Do you believe I did it just for fun?

Goodwitch: You almost died because you offered yourself to the Grimm!

(Y/N): I was attempting to help innocent people!

Goodwitch: Everyone was already safe you wanted that to happen...(frustrated) Y-you know, most people attempt to go away from the line of death, but you appear to stand on it and try to snap it swiftly!

(Y/N): So?

Goodwitch:...You're careless with your life...You're not slaying your wrist but you're careless.

(Y/N): And what? It's not like you have any idea why.

Goodwitch:...Probably because your parents told you that you were a waste of space on this planet!


Goodwitch:...and you believed it.

There is a long pause before Ms. Goodwitch sighs and hands the weapon to her daughter, knowing that she won't listen to her regardless. (Y/N) takes it with a sign and bowls.

(Y/N): Thank you, mother...I swear I'll try to keep myself protected.

Goodwitch is taken aback by this but sighs in relief as she watches her daughter walk away before she can answer.

Goodwitch: Please...I don't want you to die...

Team RWBY and Pyrrha stand there in shock at what just happened. Ruby quickly snaps out it and begins to run after (Y/N).

Ruby: Come on guys we have to go with (Y/N)!

Pyrrha: I- can I come with you guys?

Yang grabs Pyrrha's hand as she drags Pyrrha with her.

Yang: Sure, lets go!

Weiss: Hey, wait for me!

They quickly start running after (Y/N) as they pass by Ms.Goodwitch who seems more relieved now.

Yang: (Y/N), Wait for us!

Before (Y/N) can get in the bullhead Weiss grabs her hand to stop her. She turns around to see the rest of them.

(Y/N): What are you guys doing here?

Weiss: We're going to look for Blake.

(Y/N) looks down at Weiss and pulls her hand away.

(Y/N): So now you care?

Weiss: I-

Pyrrha: (Y/N), there is no time to fight we want to help you find Blake.

(Y/N) stares at Pyrrha they haven't talked since the kiss before an awkward silence can happen (Y/N) looks another way to hide her blush.


They all sign in relief and get in the bullhead as Pyrrha sits next to (Y/N).

Pyrrha: So...why did Blake run away?

Ruby: She-

(Y/N): You can ask her yourself when we find her is something she should tell you not us.

Pyrrha: Oh, okay.

(Y/N) sighs and rests her head on Pyrrha's shoulder. Pyrrha smiles and does the same grabbing onto (Y/N)'s hand.

Time skip brought to you by team RWY glaring at Pyrrha.

Ruby: (shouting) Blaaaake!

Yang: (also calling out) Blaaaake!

The scene transitions to Ruby, Yang, (Y/N), Pyrrha, and Weiss walking through town and calling in vain for their missing teammate.

Ruby: (continuing to scream) Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?

Pyrrha: Blake!

Ruby: (turning on Weiss) (Y/N), Weiss you guys are not helping!

Weiss just stares at the floor spacing out as (Y/N) gives Ruby a glare making her stiff.

(Y/N): Do you think Blake wants to be found?

Ruby: Um, well-

(Y/N): No she doesn't and if we keep calling out to her she would know we're close. So I think we should keep quiet.

Penny: (following behind Weiss) And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!

Ruby: (turning around suddenly with her team and Pyrrha in surprise) Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?

Penny: (cheerfully ignoring the question) "Hey guys! What are you up to? (Point at Pyrrha) And who is she?

Pyrrha: Hello, I'm Pyrrha Nikos (stands her hand out) nice to meet you.

Penny's eyes sparkle as she shakes Pyrrha's hand.

Penny: Nice to meet you as well! Do you want to be friends?

Before Pyrrha could answer (Y/N) gets in front of them.

(Y/N): There is no time for that. Penny, we're looking for Blake, Have you seen her?

Penny: Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!

Ruby, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Yang stare at Penny.

Ruby: Wait, how did you know that?

(Y/N): Cause she's not stupid...

Penny: It was actually because of the cat ears. (points to her head)

Yang: (laughing a little) What cat ears? She wears a... booooowww...

The realization leaves them in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind.

Ruby: (whispering) She does like tuna a lot...

Pyrrha: Wait so she's a Faunus?

(Y/N): (facepalm)

Penny: So, where is she?

Ruby: We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny: (gasping) That's terrible! (approaching an uncomfortable Ruby) Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!

Ruby: (doing her best to continue smiling) Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?

She looks over Penny to direct her question at (Y/N), Pyrrha, Yang, and Weiss, who's blinking outlines are all that's left of their sudden departure from the company of the strange girl. A tumbleweed blows past them again in the quiet.

Penny: It sure is windy today!

Ruby: Why do they do this to me?!

The girl are now split up Yang went with Pyrrha, (Y/N) and Weiss went together, and Ruby stayed with Penny.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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