(Y/N) Yamato...Goodwitch?

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Narrator's POV:

(Y/N) came back from the initiation to see that Ozpin and Glynda were waiting for her.

Ozpin: I'm glad you're back safely Ms. Yamato.

(Y/N): Thanks but why are you guys here shouldn't you be...(looks at Glynda's tablet)...oh...you were watching us...great...that's great.

Glynda: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Glynda if you're going to reprimand me on why I yell at that kid please don't...call me when you guys decide the teams or decide to expelled me for not getting a partner.

(Y/N) continues to walk inside Beacon as Glynda lets out a sigh.

Ozpin: Don't worry Glynda she'll open up eventually...

Glynda: Yeah that's what you been saying for the past 6 years...

Flashback/Glynda's POV:

That night when I found her after the Grimm attack. I thought the Grimm were the ones who left her so injured and destroyed but I was wrong.

Glynda:(Carries little (Y/N) in her arms) Don't worry child you're going to be okay.

She was in the hospital bed when I asked her about the bruises.

(Y/N): My parents did this to me...I don't know why...

Her voice sounded so empty that's why I decided to adopt her I thought that with time she'll probably warm up to me but...

Glynda:(talking through the scroll to Ozpin) Ozpin this child is hopeless!

Ozpin:( through the scroll) I'm sure you're just exaggerating Glynda.

Glynda:(trough the scroll) But Ozpin she doesn't eat or sleep unless I tell her to she's like a robot with no emotions I have to tell her everything!

Ozpin:( through the scroll) Just give her time...

I didn't understand Ozpin's words at all until that day...that stupid festival Qrow insisted I take (Y/N) to...and honestly I'm so glad I did.

Glynda:(grabs (Y/N)'s hand) So...where do you want to go first?

(Y/N):...I don't know...

Glynda:(sweat drops) Of course...

I look around until I see a stand selling candy apples.

Glynda: Excuse me can I have one of those, please.

Seller: Sure thing that would be 20 liens.

Glynda: Here (gives liens)

Seller: Thanks have a good day!

I take the candy apples and crouch down to (Y/N)'s level as she looks at me and then at the apple.

Glynda: (smiles) Here this is for you.

She hesitates at first but then grabs it. She looks at it like if it was the most interesting thing in the world. She did this with everything I gave her. It was honestly the only emotion I could get out of her....curiosity.

???: Mom I dropped my candy apple!

???2: Oh I'm sorry sweetie but I don't have enough liens to buy you another one you know we still have to buy your father's medicine...

???: But (in the verge of tears)...okay...for daddy...

(Y/N): Here you can have mine.

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