21st Century Breakdown

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I wake up Monday morning, when the bitch comes into my room. "Oh Christian, wake up sweetie! God has blessed us with another day, of enriching our minds and cleansing our souls!" And you thought I was joking about her being a Jesus-freak.

Reluctantly, I get out of bed and head to the shower. I'm sort of on thin ice with the police right now, because I got caught getting high with Jimmy over at the elementary school. So, I kind of have to actually attend school, or else I'm in huge shit. That was a bad decision on my part but it's not like those kids are never going to see pot in their lives. They probably didn't even know what the fuck was going on. I get out of the shower, and get dressed in my usual black jeans and hoodie. I then spike my hair up as high as it goes, and head downstairs.

My mom has long stopped making snarky comments at what I wear, or how I do my hair, but I can tell it pisses her off, which amuses me. One thing, however, that doesn't bother me about her, is her cooking. My mom may be a bitch, but hell, can she cook. On top of that she insists on making me breakfast, so I can't really refuse good cooking. 

As I eat I argue with myself about that girl from yesterday. Did I actually think she was pretty? I couldn't, I only really saw her in her bra. But I mean, she had a pretty face. Aw shit, they asked us to go over for dinner tonight. This is going to be awkward.

"Oh hey mom," I say calmly, "The Pierces, our neighbours invited us over for dinner tonight. So uh yeah." 

"That's nice dear, I'll make sure to head over and introduce myself today, before we go over." she says.

"Yep, so uh, see you later." I say, putting my plate in the sink and heading off to school. I usually leave early, so I can enjoy the walk, and arrive early to meet up with Jimmy, my friend who looks almost exactly like me. 

I walk through the front doors of the school, into the cafeteria and look to the back, where Jimmy's usually waiting for me. He's not there today, so I just go sit by myself and listen to my ipod, when Mr. Vasquez, the principal comes up. I hate him more than any other person in this school. He's constantly trying to get me in trouble, even when I've honestly done nothing wrong.

"Mr. Eden, come with me to the office please." He asks sternly.

"Ahh, come on many what the f-," I stop myself, "what did I do now?"

"Nothing, we just would like you to help another student around the school. We've looked at all the schedules and you appear to have the same classes as her, so we've appointed you to be her student "Buddy" He said enthusiastically.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Student buddy? Is this a joke?" I ask. What the fuck do these people come up with?

"Yes, we thought it may be good for you to help the community a bit more, now follow me Mr. Eden, let's meet your buddy!" He says. 

They just keep coming up with ways to keep my entertained, don't they? How is this supposed to help? If anything, this is going to drive me away from helping anyone. I reluctantly follow Mr. Vasquez to the main office, when I see my "student buddy". I think my heart shoots right up to my face, because I immediately go red, and so does the girl in the office. 

She's my neighbour, of course, out of the thousands of people that I could be paired with, it's the girl who I've accidentally seen in a bra. Fuck my life. I guess it can't be that bad, maybe if I just play it like an ass, she'll hate me and never talk to me again. Then there's the dinner tonight. Someone, just shoot me now, anyone really, shoot me.

"Christian Eden, this is Gloria Pierce." Mr. Vasquez says, "Get to know eachother, and Christian, try to be nice."

She shakes my hand, and I follow suit. At this moment all I can think is, look at her face just look up, Christian, keep your eyes up. She barely looks at me, but I can tell she's embarrassed. We walk a fair distance from the office when she speaks.

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