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Contact name: Sunarin 🖤💯

"Oh my God" he thought. Panicking at the name that came up on his phone.

He waiting until he got to a red light to answer the phone so he can gather his thoughts together.

When he does come to a red light he takes a breath in and out and answered the call.

"Hello?" The other one said on the other line. "Hey Sunarin what's up." Osamu said.

"Well u called me about 30 minutes ago so I can ask you the same thing." "Oh yeah, anyways what I called to tell ya was that I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday." He said rubbing the back of his neck with one hand on the steering wheel.

"Oh yesterday haha, yesterday was... it was something" He said teasing.

"Hey! Are ya teasing me?" "Maybe I am maybe I'm not who knows" Suna said laughing.

Osamu sighs chucking softly. He feels good knowing that he's not uncomfortable about yesterday and how he can talk to his friend without making it awkward. It's always been this way between them. Ever since their first year of high-school, Osamu starts a call with his Suna and Suna starts the conversation by teasing him. He doesn't mind it because that's how Suna is and he likes him for him.

Suna on the other hand "can't stand" Osamu. But he enjoys whenever he gets to talk to him on a daily. Whether it's in person or on the phone. He'd stop by Onigiri Miya to see his friend in action at his job whenever he's not busy with his own work or volleyball.

They've never drifted apart and he wasn't gonna make that mistake with one little incident at a party.

"So anyways" the gray haired boy continued. "Whatcha up to?"

"I was thinking of stopping by your apartment after practice today. Is that alright with you or are u visiting piss hair?"

"Nah nah its fine. I'm not gonna see the pig until next week cause him and his precious Omi-Omi are going on a trip all week." He said.

"Ok cool so what time should I come?" Suna said.

"How about 7.. and you can stay till Sunday. It's only Friday right?"

"Ok yeah sounds like a plan." Right after Osamu agreed he heard a drop of a volleyball coming from the other side. And the sound that annoyed him the most.
His dear twin brother.

"Heyy Samu! Taking to Rin I see." Atsumu said putting his arm around Suna which made him roll his eyes.

"Ya didn't tell me he was with ya Sunarin."

"Because you never asked me." Suna said shrugging.

"Ok smart-ass"


The night came and Suna was on his way to Osamu's house. He wasn't nervous at all because he's been there lots of time and stayed over the weekend but although he wasn't nervous.. something felt off. Not off in a bad way, at least not to him but still off.

He called Sakusa before Suna got there to tell him what he was feeling and see if he could help him.

Contact name: Sakusa 🙄

"Hello" Said the black haired male. "Hi Kusa can ya help me with something?"

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"So Rin's coming over in like 10 minutes but I'm feelin somethin off right now And I don't know what it is." Osamu said

"Off how?" Sakusa said as he was cleaning the kitchen

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