lost and found

920 11 5

  "Hmmm" Suna grumbled in his sleep.

"Good mornin baby" Osamu said while Suna was sleeping on top of him and playing with his hair.

"Good morning." Suna grumbled.

"How'd ya sleep?"

"The most amazing sleep of my life. I've been so tired lately and I don't feel tired anymore."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Wait- did you just call me baby?"

"Yea. Oh I'm sorry if ya don't like the pet names."

"No no its fine. I'm just not used to it yet."

"I'll stop until yer ready"

"I mean you can still do it. But just don't expect me to call you those names yet."

"Got ya. Is it just me or are ya really hungry?"

Suna looked up at him and rolled his eyes. He rolled over to the other side of the bed and layed down again.

"It's just you."

"So yer telling me yet not just a little bit hungry??"


"Well I'm going out to get breakfast."

"Don't get me anything."

"Wasn't planning on it."


He got ready and got dressed and walked out the door.

He drove to the nearest waffle house he could find.

He went inside the building and saw Sakusa inside.

"Oi! Kusa." Osamu said waving his hands to get his attention.

"Hey Samu, can't really say I didn't expect you to not be here"

"Don't start with the bullshit Kiyoomi. I just came to get some waffles and eggs for me and Rin."

"How's it like being not single anymore?"

"Who told ya?"

"Who do you think? Your dearest brother"

"Of course. It's great ya know. I finally get to call him Mine and cherish him the way I wanted to."

"Yes yes it's pretty amazing if I must add. But lemme tell you something. I've known Rintarou all my life and you've known him since high school ok. If you so much even make him cry in a bad way I'll kill you. And you can tell Atsumu I said that, I don't care. He's my childhood friend and I'm not gonna let you break his heart over some jacked up shit. You understand me?"

"Same goes for ya and Tsumu. He's my brother not yers. Even though yer soon to be married it doesn't change the fact that I love him more than ya."

"Glad we're on the same page." "Hey Samu you wanna come over for dinner tonight? Tsumu's cooking."

"Yea yea sure. I'll tell Rin."

"Ok be there at 6:30. You have a key right?"


"Alright see you there. Byee"

"Bye Kusa!"

Sakusa got his food and went to the car. By the time Osamu got his he was already long gone.

He drove back to the house and opened the door. He walked to the room and found Suna watching TV.

"I'm back babe."

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