~>Chapter 21 Part 2<~

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~>Y/n's POV<~

"Give a guy a bit of warning before you go ahead and race another bike"

He was hunched over slightly gripping his chest right where his heart was.

"I am so sorry, I got caught in the heat of the moment. I'm really really sorry"

He stood up straight and placed his hand on my shoulder, "It's alright don't apologise, it was quite exhilarating."

How does one forget that there is a hot human being on their bike with them? That is a very good question and I can't answer it. I don't know how long I was staring at him for but I was pulled out of the dream-like state when his hand hit my forehead...he is holding my head...what the fuck...why is his hand so soft? THAT'S NOT WHAT I SHOULD BE THINKING RIGHT NOW.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and grabbed his hand that was on my head. I turned around and started speed walking towards the shop with Felix right behind me.

"whoa whoa whoa slow down, for someone with short legs you walk quite fast."

I stopped in my spot and before he could realize he walked straight into me, knocking me off my feet and stumble forwards.

Me being me I lost all my balance and nearly went head first into the floor. Key word: Nearly. Before I kissed the floor someone reached out and put their arms around my waist pulling me back up and spinning me around, my face came into contact with a hard chest. I pulled away and looked up. My face is just inches away from his. Holy shit. I looked from his lips to his eyes. Oh hell no, not in my Christian Minecraft server.

I pulled away from him and dusted off the imaginary dust from my clothes. I pulled my backpack straps down and looked at my shoes.

"Thank you for saving me there, I would have embarrassed myself if you hadn't helped. Anyways let's go"

I grabbed his hand again and pulled him along into the store, I wasn't really thinking while doing this. When do I ever think before I do something? Due to us speed walking/jogging we tumbled through the door and people turned to stare at us. We slowed down our pace and walked over to the shopping trollies. I went to put both of my hands onto it and realised we still had our hands entwined.

I let go and bowed slightly.

"I am so sorry; I didn't realise I was holding your hand. I apologise if I made you uncomfortable"

His deep chuckle entered my ears so I looked up at him, he was smiling beneath the mask. If someone were to find out his identity, they'd come for him and I could wreck his career. I took my backpack off and dug through the contents and pulled out a mask and put it on.

He looked at me quizzically.

"what's the mask for? And don't apologise it was cute."

I could feel the heat rising up to my face. He didn't just say it was cute...I swear if I am dreaming, I don't ever want to wake up.

"I realised that if anyone were to figure out who you are, they're going to see me with you and I don't want to wreck your career."

He nodded but there was an unidentifiable look in his eyes. I could honestly sit here and stare into his eyes...if it wasn't creepy or if he didn't just speak.

"You could never wreck my career don't worry, but thank you I appreciate the thought."

Before I could say anything else he grabbed my backpack and placed it on a hook on the trolley along with his backpack and motioned for me to join him. I took the trolley from his hands and walked towards the sweet's aisle. Well, more like I ran and jumped and let the trolley take me there. I nearly crashed into the shelves on the left but managed to elegantly evade it.

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