Chapter 16

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1944, September 7th
Richford, Tioga County, New York

August saw Hermione standing on a porch in a blustery rural village somewhere in upstate New York. They were back on American soil once more and Howard had arranged a few days leave for the trip. He was taking her to meet his parents.

Walter and Mary Stark resided a little more than 200 miles north-west of New York City. It was their porch Hermione stood on now, sheltered from the sleeting rain and waiting at their door, huddled into their son's side searching for a little extra warmth.

Their home, a moderately sized, green shingled, colonial farmhouse, lay at the end of a lane on the outskirts of the town, close enough that Main Street and Mr Stark's farm shop was a convenient ten minute drive, and as easily travelled by foot as vehicle, but far enough that they would never be bothered by the comings and going's of the locals at all hours of the day.

It was lovely little place, if somewhat isolated. Richford had all the hallmarks of typical small town: a convenience store, a pub and cafe, a small Inn, a few boutiques, a tiny school and residents who knew the entire life story of everyone around them. The unfamiliar couple had garnered a few untrusting looks but it had taken only one person to recognise Howard for the gossip to spark.

They'd arrived the previous evening and checked into the Inn for a night. It had been late and Howard had not wanted to disturb his parents who weren't expecting them until the following morning. And when morning came half the town were whispering their theories on the newcomers.

The waitress at the cafe divulged the rumour she'd heard from one of the school's teachers that had Howard returning to his parents home in shame and disgrace after trying to make it big and loosing everything to his name. They'd laughed at the ridiculousness of such a notion. Of course Sally, the waitress, had scoffed right alongside them and observed: "no one I know dressed like you'd be runnin home to his ma and da for any reason as mad as that."

The clerk at the convenience store had been closer to the truth. He'd heard from the Inn's owner during a morning delivery that they'd taken the only rooms with a connecting door. They'd been purchasing some sundries to go with the steaks and wine they'd brought with them when he asked her if they were living in sin together.

Howard had only smirked suggestively and asked what it mattered if they were. The spotty teen had packed their bag in silence and Hermione could feel his stare following them out the door in judgement.

Hermione hoped his parents hadn't yet heard any of the rumours that had sprung up overnight. She so wanted to make a good first impression.

The white-washed door opened. Before them stood a rail-thin, middle-aged woman in a flowery dress and stained apron with dark hair that was just starting to grey and tired brown eyes.

Mary Stark smiled at the sight of her son and a spark flexed in her muddy orbs. "Howard! Oh, it's so lovely to see you. It's been so long... You're terribly thin and pale, have you been eating enough? Come in out of the cold!" She began to usher him in before she noticed Hemera at his side and stilled. 

"Ma," Howard said as he wrapped his arm more securely about her waist. "I'd like you to meet Hemera Bancroft, my fiancé." He smiled.

"Pleased to meet you ma'am." Hemera greeted and offered her hand, diamond and ruby ring sparkling on her finger. Mary didn't take it and Hemera let it drop back to her side dejectedly.

Mary looked at her son severely. "She's not in the family way, is she?" she asked.

"Wha-? No!" Howard spluttered. Hemera frowned at the older woman's assumption.

"Then why is this the first we're hearing of the girl?"

Hemera glared at her soulmate. "Howard! You didn't tell her anything?"

He shrugged but shrank a little under the force of their combined displeasure. "I wanted it to be a surprise?" he offered.

They didn't stop glaring. "You're impossible!" Hemera groaned. "Mrs Stark, I'm so sorry. I've been waiting to meet you for so long. If I'd known he hadn't told you we were both coming, I'd have made him call."

"Oh, well there's no use in that, dear, we don't have a telephone." Mrs Stark flapped her hand to dismiss the notion. "I suppose you'd both best come in then. I was just preparing lunch. I hope you don't mind sandwiches?... We weren't expecting additional company."

"Then I'd have made him write. Or send a telegram even. But sandwiches would be lovely." she insisted as they stepped into a small entrance hall. Howard closed the door behind them, stamping the dirt off his shoes as his mother took their coats and hats and scarves and gloves to hang up to dry.

"Mary? Was that Howard arriving?" a voice called from deeper in the house. The form of a man emerged from a doorway.

"Yes, Walter. And he's brought a girl with him." she said. "He neglected to inform us he was planning on getting married."

"Married you say? Didn't even know you'd met a girl you liked enough to stick around past dawn, boy!" Howard winced at the implication as the man laughed. "Well let's get a look at her."

Walter clapped his hands about her shoulders and held her at arms length. "Tiny thing in't she, Mary? What's your name girl?"

"Her- Hemera, Sir." she stammered, stumbling to correct her course away from her true name, after the shock of being rather suddenly grabbed and examined by her future father-in-law.

"Interesting name that. Don't think I've heard it's like before. Where'd you meet this one Howard?" Walter asked as he let Hemera go and gave his son crushing hug.

"At work Da." he replied. "Mera was assigned to the unit I consult with."

Walter nodded. "What unit's that again?" he asked as he ushered them both into a comfortably appointed sitting room.

"That one that sent him off to England!" Mary called in from the kitchen she had retreated to. "You remember, Walter." she chided.

"So you met in England?"

"No, we met a few weeks before we relocated to London." Hemera clarified as she sat beside Howard on a loveseat. Mary scoffed from the kitchen and Hemera could make out vague mutterings about still having heard nothing despite the apparent length of their courtship.

"And what do you do, Miss Hemera?"

"Captain." Howard corrected. "Mera's Captain Bancroft, not Miss." he elaborated at his father's confusion.

"Ah. A female Captain. That's something for you to be writing home about. Your folks must be right proud. I remember the Great War. I was just a boy me really. They said it were the war to end all wars. Idiots the lot of 'em!"

"I know my father is, certainly. I don't know if my mother would be proud of me. She passed away when I was a child."

Walter reached over from his chair and patted her hand consolingly. "You hear that Mary? Our son's marrying a Captain!" he called to his wife. "What are your duties, Captain?"

"I'm the Air Forces liaison. I oversee and coordinate all of our aerial activities and liaise with the Royal Air Force units who work with us."

"That sounds like quite the job, dear." Mary said stiffly from the doorway. "It must keep you very busy?"

"Oh, yes, I suppose it does. I do like a challenge and it is certainly that." Hemera agreed, rising to the unspoken challenge. "But it's not so all-consuming as you think."

"Hmm. Well, lunch is ready if you'll all come through to the dining room. We've got Reuben sandwiches and the last of the cookies. It was Howard's favourite growing up!" she reminisced. "Would you prefer coca-cola or pressed juice, Hemera? Or perhaps some lemonade? I know you English are rather fond of your tea but we don't keep any in the house... Howard that awful coffee you can't survive without is already there."

Howard grinned and launched up. He'd not had a real coffee since they left New York early the previous day.

"Juice would be perfect, Mrs Stark, thank you."

"Alright then. And do call us Mary and Walter. You're to be family after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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