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The planning for this event has been a pain in the ass from the get-go. I've had meeting after meeting just for the planning of this whole thing, and now that my sister is here, I no longer have as much time as I used to have to go through everything before tonight.

"Lou, I got my personal shopper to grab you a selection of dresses that you can pick from for the event tonight."

I knew as soon as I mentioned dresses, her face would light up, as usual.

"Really, when do they get here?" she asks, the excitement clear in her voice.

"They should be here at 12.30, so 30 minutes. Why don't you go ahead and go for your shower right now? After you've tried them on, Gabrielle will be here at 1 to do your makeup and Julie will be doing your hair. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes of course it is. I should be out in less than 15 minutes. Will you tell them to meet me in the dressing room when they get here?"

"Sure I will. Now, go. You don't want to be late tonight because you had them waiting on you. We have to be there before all of the guests remember, we'll be leaving at 4."

Louise takes my words with a slight nod before heading for the stairs to go for her shower.

The thought reminds me to go for my own shower before getting dressed for the event that happens to be an all-day thing for me every year.

I hear the elevator chime as I step out of my bedroom making my way to the kitchen after my shower.

"Good afternoon, ladies," I announce to Gabrielle and Julie as I spot them making their way out of the elevator and into the foyer.

"Louise should be ready for you in the dressing room now."

Both of them nod in my direction before making their way up the spiral staircase they're used to.

I can't believe I get to see Josephine in person tonight. It's going to be like love at first sight all over again and I can't wait to see her and fall in love with her more than I already am.

I know her reaction to seeing me isn't going to be the best. Maybe even the worst, but all I can hope for is that she'll give me a chance tonight to explain everything after Leon gives her the promotion. By then she'll hopefully be in a good mood and she might actually consider listening to me.

Time flies when you sit and think about the love of your life for more than two and a half hours. It's already 2.45 and we need to leave in 15 minutes. I'm not even dressed yet.

I rush into my bedroom and throw the suit into my body that was thankfully already ironed and laid out for me by Hazel.

It takes me no longer than 5 minutes to brush my teeth, do my hair, and spray some aftershave on me before I make my way to the foyer to meet an unrecognisable Louise Fiennes Tiffin in a gorgeous gown and fancy makeup and hair.

"Wow, sis. You look incredible," I compliment.

"And thank you ladies for this on such short notice."

Gabrielle and Julie thank me in unison just before they wish us a good time at the event and leave out the service door.

"Are you ready?" I question Louise as she stares at herself in the floor-length mirror next to the elevator.

Although I get no response.

"Lou, is everything alright?" She seems distant. More than usual and it's making me worry that she's all of a sudden gone mute.

Tears fill her eyes as she stares at the unrecognisable woman looking back at her in the mirror.

"Louise, talk to me. You're scaring me. What's wrong?"

Mr Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now