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This car has never been more silent. I understand Jo is upset with me, but I'm not having no guy scream at my girlfriend just because she's a couple of minutes late. As soon as we pulled up to her space in the car park, seeing as she had been promoted and all, Josephine couldn't get out of the car fast enough.

I turn the car off and dash out the door, making sure I'm hot on her heels which causes her to turn around with her face just as shocked as I thought she would be.

"Uh, what do you think you're doing?"

"What it looks like, Josephine. I'm coming in with you. I want to see what that asshole says to you." if she thinks I'm letting her go in there and get reprimanded for being a good friend, she's severely mistaken.

Josephine doesn't say anything else, instead, she turns right back around and enters the building with me at her back. She bids a good afternoon to Frank, the old doorman who has worked here for as long as I can remember. He doesn't seem to notice me though, which is good, as I don't want Leon to know that I'm here until I'm pounding my fists into his face.

Jo scans her key card to the elevator which opens straight away. We both step inside and wait for the doors to close as Jo presses the button with the number 5 displayed, taking us to her floor. Before the doors open, I stand behind the little wall in the elevator so that when they open, all Leon is going to see is Josephine, alone.

The elevator dings and the doors separate, unveiling a Josephine standing all alone, according to Leon. As soon as she steps out, I hear Leon's voice getting louder the closer he gets to her.

"So is this what we do now, waltz in whenever we like? This isn't a fucking playground, Josephine. It's a business. If you don't want to abide by this company's rules then you shouldn't work here. Go to your office now, I'm sick of the sight of you." That's how he talks to my Josephine? I don't fucking think so.

I step out from the small wall I was hiding behind, coming face to face with Leon. As soon as his brain catches up with the rest of him, his face goes chalk-white. There's only 5/6 ft between us and I don't hesitate to make my way towards him.

"Hero, it's not what it looks like man, I promise. She was late and you know how I feel about my compa-" I don't give him the chance to finish before my fist collides with his jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground.

I don't hesitate to get on top of him and start beating the shit out of him, finishing what I started.

"You think it's funny to shout at girls, huh? You fucking piece of shit. My girlfriend will be the last person you raise your voice to."

As soon as I hear her voice behind me, screaming and begging for me to stop, I lift my hands and stand up. I can hear her crying behind me. Leon is still lying on the ground holding his face and is now covered in blood along with his shirt and the floor beneath him. I turn to face my Josephine, tears streaming down her beautiful face and I instantly feel defeated.

She runs towards the elevator and holds her keycard to the scanner before stepping in. I run to catch up with her while the doors are still open and I manage to make it. The doors close behind me and as expected, Josephine doesn't say a word to me. I think I took it too far by hitting Leon but we both know after the way he spoke to her, he deserved it.

Her face is stained with her tears as we drive back home, still sitting in silence until she surprisingly speaks, " I want you to take me home."

My heart stops for a second. Does she mean home, like where she stays with me? Or does she mean home as in her apartment?

"We're going home, Jo."

"No, Hero. My home."

My heart sinks. This is it. I had one chance to prove myself better to Josephine, and I've fucked it up already. Not even a week back together and I've done what I do best. Fuck everything up for me.

I feel tears brimming in my eyes but I don't dare let them fall, I don't want Josephine to see that she's upset me because I have no right to be upset. I embarrassed her in front of all of her colleagues and I deserve everything she throws at me.

We pull up to the front of Jo's apartment complex and she does something I never expected her to do in a million years. She plants her lips on mine, and not just a little peck but a full-on makeout. I don't dare hesitate to reciprocate the assault she's having on my lips back to her.

She pulls herself away from me to open the door of my car and steps out before closing it behind her without saying a single word to me. Did she just break up with me through a kiss? Was this like a "last time" sort of thing like how it was in the 'Wolf of Wall Street' movie? I honestly hope not.

The drive home was silent and confusing, I can't get that kiss with Josephine out of my fucking head. I decide to sit in my car for a while in silence as I can't bear all of the questions I'm about to face when Josephine doesn't come back to my apartment after 8 as she promised.

Taking in my thoughts as I sit here in silence, my phone starts to buzz, in the back of my mind I'm secretly hoping it's Josephine, but being in the real world, I know it's going to be Leon. And of course, being in the real world, it's Leon. I pick up the phone but don't say a word.

"H-Hero?" The piece of shit croaks.


"I want to apologise to you and Josephine for today, and every day I've ever raised my voice to her. You know me, Hero, I'm the most chill person you know. But you also know how much I care about my company."

"So your company determines how you speak to your employees, my fucking girlfriend included? Do you even know why she was fucking late today?" I can feel myself getting angrier by the minute, although, I try to compose myself so I can get my point across loud and clear.

"No, Hero, I don't. It was a lousy move of mine and I'm sorry. I just want Josephine to know, if she can hear me, that when she comes into work tomorrow, it will not be spoken about unless she wants to." He sounds defeated, as he fucking should for treating my girlfriend the way he did.

"Well, her fucking best friend, my sister who is 19 weeks pregnant, fell down the stairs this morning and landed herself in hospital, where Jo was being a good friend and made sure not to leave her side. That's why she was fucking late. And I'm sure you'll be happy to know, Leon. She asked me to drop her home when we left, so you can phone her yourself and tell her you're sorry." I slam my phone on the passenger seat after hanging up on him. I couldn't stand the smugness in his voice if he had the balls to say something after I revealed to him about Jo and I's situation. That's what would send me over the edge.

Trying to sneak into my own home should be classed as a sport. I didn't want anyone to know I was home, so I tried to tiptoe my way into my bedroom without anyone noticing, and funnily enough, it was a success.

My head is filled with thousands of horrible thoughts of me and Josephine. Could this be the end of us for good? It's taking everything in me not to pick my mobile up and call her or even text her. Instead, I chuck my phone to the end of my bed and close my eyes, in hopes that sleep will consume me and I'll wake up still with my girlfriend.

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