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It has been two weeks since I last saw Josephine in her hotel room. Two weeks since I said those last words to her that have broken my heart every day since. Deep down in my heart, I thought she would come to my room and tell me she wanted to give us another try, but I knew it was too good to be true. Not that I'd admit that to anyone though. 

My head hasn't been in the right place to work since that night. Everyone has been getting on my nerves and it's not fair on them but I can't help it. I don't want to speak to anyone or interact with employees because if I do, it won't be a nice conversation. The amount of meetings that I've had to cancel these past two weeks are probably enough for me to lose everything I've worked for. My entire Publishing House is the main one, but I just don't have the patience to deal with other people that want to talk about the same things over and over again for hours on end when I'm not in the right headspace for it. Although I can have as many days off work as I want, I feel like it keeps me occupied and busy so I'm not spending my days in my penthouse wallowing over the woman I love most in the world that I lost because of my merit. 

The door of my office opens, and I do not doubt in my mind that it's Gia.

"Hey, Hero, I have those numbers for you. Do you want me to run them through on my computer or put them on your desk?" 

I was right. Her voice goes through me, I can't stand her even the tiniest bit. I thought working with her, it would get easier to cope with, with time, but I was so wrong. I hate her more than I did before. She only works here for me because she has a crush on me, and no matter how many times I try to tell her it's never going to happen, she doesn't listen. If I didn't need her, she would have been fired a long time ago, but she was the only one that applied for the job, minus Josephine and Mia, but I knew that wouldn't work out after everything I did. Technically speaking, I deserved this.

"Gia, what have I told you about just walking in here?" I voice my concern with an angry tone. That only makes her plaster a smirk across her face, almost like she wants something. She closes the door behind her and walks closer to me.

"Are you scared I'm going to catch you doing something to yourself you shouldn't be doing here, Sir?" Gia growls, as if she's trying to sound sexy, but it's just not working.

"Get out!" I hiss but stop myself from saying something worse to her.  Funnily enough, it works. She scoffs at me and turns her back, walking towards the door she walked in through moments ago, leaving the papers on my desk. 


Finishing up for the day, I pack up my desk and head out of the building, still unable to get Josephine and that night out of my head. I can't believe I let myself hurt her like that. I shouldn't have made that fucking file in the first place, then Jo and I would have been happily living together and potentially speaking about our future. I'd have met her parents by now if I hadn't fucked it all up.

Michael pulls into the parking garage of the apartment complex and I hadn't even noticed I was home. I was too busy thinking about Josephine and what we would have been if nothing ever happened that night she found out. I'll never forget the moment I found her, standing in front of the filing cabinet with Hannah's folder in her hands, and tears streaming down her face. The look she gave me when she asked the dreaded question I was too afraid to answer. The pain in my heart when I saw her suitcases packed in the foyer. All of it haunts me to this day, and I live with the regret every day.

I get pulled out of my thoughts once again when the elevator dings, deciding to make my way to my office and continue working as that's the only thing that seems to keep me occupied right now. Jotting down in my work calendar my future events and such that will be happening through the rest of the year. Three more months until Christmas which only means two more months until my birthday, and if you know my parents, you know they like to go all out for it.

I've never been a big fan of my birthday ever since I turned eighteen and went straight into publishing, just like my father. It never was a big deal to me, but to my parents, it was everything, and not just me, Felix and Louise's too. They love to show off their kids and they think a big birthday bash every year on each of our birthdays is the way to do it, however, I disagree. If it were up to me, which it should be in my opinion, id be alone, probably working, or sitting at home by myself. But it never has been up to me so I've had to learn to deal with it throughout the years.

My phone buzzes on the table, startling me completely. It's a text from Louise.

From Louise: Hey bro, it's Lou. I spoke to Mum and Dad about the apartment idea you had and they don't seem to have any issues with it. Is it cool if I fly in tonight to talk about it with you? Love you.

I can never say no to my sister, especially after what she's been through these past couple of weeks. After everything that happened with Jack on the night of the event, Louise kept me up to date on everything. She went over to Jack's and spoke to him face-to-face about what he wanted to do. Whether he wants to be in the baby's life or not, she needed to know now. Long story short, they spoke it all out and ended up back together and she assures me that he's more than ready to have this baby with her. I hope so, otherwise ill break his fucking legs if he ever hurts my sister again.

From Hero: Of course sis. Text me the flight details, I'll send a car to pick you up from the airport. Love you back.

I love it when family visits, I always have time for them. Even if I don't have enough time to visit them back in London, I always make sure to talk and see them as much as I can. They're the only people I have. 

I hear the elevator ding, taking me out of my thoughts. I'm not expecting any visitors but as any host should do, I go and welcome the random guest in. 

I stop in my tracks at the top of the spiral staircase as I hallucinate for a second. Josephine is constantly in my head I could almost swear I heard her voice in my foyer saying hello to Hazel. Surely I can't be so delusional that I think she'd come to my apartment. The very apartment she walked out of six months ago, bags in hand without uttering a word. Without thinking twice, I sprint downstairs almost falling over my own feet. 

And there she is, my Josephine. My love. Standing there in her mom jeans and an almost floor-length trench coat that I bought her for her wardrobe space when she moved in with me. She hasn't noticed my presence as she continues to stand with her back to me, taking in the home she once lived in.

"Jo," I start, almost scaring her as she jumps a little before spinning around.

"What are you doing here?" I continue.

She doesn't answer straight away, she seems to just stand in the same spot and look at me for a couple of minutes, almost as if she's struggling to answer the question. 

"I don't exactly know," she whispers so quietly I almost didn't hear her.

"I guess I came here to say okay." My head cocks in confusion like a little dog hearing his favourite word. What does she mean by okay? I wait a couple of seconds to see if she will follow up with an answer to the question I'm thinking in my head, but she doesn't.

"Okay, what?"

"Okay, Hero. Im willing to give this, us, another chance."

Did I hear her right, am I dreaming? Does she want to try again with me? All I want to do is run up to her and encase her in my arms, but I don't want to overdo it just yet. Especially when she has just given us the green light for another chance. My face beams as soon as I process what Jo just said, although I don't know what to do now. I just stand there clumsily, not knowing what to do now.

"Okay, I guess you've changed your mind. I'm just going to go," She speaks after my awkward silence. Fuck it, I'm going in.

Before she can take another step towards the elevator, I sprint towards her, grabbing and lifting her into my arms where she lets out that laugh I have so dearly missed. I have my Jo back.

"You have no idea how happy I am Jo, I love you so much and I promise I'm never letting you go again."

My heart feels whole again. This house feels brighter. I have my girl back and I'm not letting her go again.

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