The Second Song

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Crispino played a series of complicated notes, forming a bridge over the trees as they ran. It shimmered a pale blue, pulsing with every step. Guinevere cast a glance at Crispino. He gave a curt nod smiling back. His, normally blue, eyes now matched her shiny gold.

"What power is it?" Asked Crispino, playing another note on his Violoncello.

"It feels about a 5. It'll take us a few minutes to neutralise it," replied Guinevere. She held her Bangio ready at her side.

"Righty-o let's get this over with. Giocare!"

Crispino's bridge led them right over the top of the Mostro. It was pure black hatred, swirling in the rough shape of a sphere. It had four stumpy legs and a set of flexible arms that it was using to rip trees out of the ground. The front of it was mostly a large gaping mouth filled with stubby teeth and two small red eyes staring, unblinking at nothing. It trotted forward before throwing a tantrum at the trees that blocked its path. The Mostro pulled a large tree out of the ground with its roots and threw it behind it, narrowly missing the bridge.

Crispino gave Guinevere a quick nod. The sound of his Violoncello ceased and they fell 60 odd metres towards the Mostro. The Bangio's sound echoed around the Mostro. Guinevere reversed her grip on her Bangio and brought it down in a heavy overhead strike, splitting the Mostro's eye. The Violoncello sounded again as Guinevere started to fall, a small shimmering shield appearing under feet. Crispino played another springy tune that pushed Guinevere back into the air. She struck again, always following behind the sound of her Bangio. She listened to the sound of her music, feeling where it was guiding her. She struck again at one of the Mostro's legs.

The Mostro hollered, teetering precariously to one side. Guinevere launched herself away with another shield from the Violoncello as the Mostro slowly fell onto its side. She landed lightly beside Crispino.

"Ready for the Finale?" he asked, raising his bow to the Violoncello strings. Guinevere gave a quick nod.


Crispino played a single note before he stopped abruptly. He could hear another sound. Guinevere raised her head and listened. It was a soft whistling sound from a woodwind strumento.

"I thought we were the only Musiciste in the area," stated Crispino, lowering his bow in slight confusion.

"I do not think it is one of us. Listen closer, what is the other strumento?" Guinevere listened carefully as did Crispino.

Crispino narrowed his eyes. "Is it a lute?"

"No, It's strings sound like they're made of metal." Guinevere added.

The music grew steadily louder, it was just over the ridge of trees. A flurry of blue and gold came from over the treetops, two glowing figures dancing around each other. They spun around in a tight circle before the smaller figure was thrown high into the air, coming down onto the Mostro with such force that the ground shook and dust flew into Crispino's and Guinevere's faces.

"What the hell was that!" exclaimed Crispino, running forward a few paces. He could still hear the sweet sound of the Flauto from above, but it seemed out of tune or the Musicista was weakening. They stood above the trees, an unmoving statue waiting. Their glow dissipated, and the barrier they were using as a foothold shattered beneath their feet.

"Crissy! Give me something to jump from!" shouted Guinevere through the dust.

Crispino played a quick tune on his Violoncello, making a small series of alternating barriers. Guinevere ran along them and jumped high into the air, making a grab for the Flauto Musicista as they continued their deadly fall. She caught them and slowly made her way down the second set of barriers that Crispino had formed for her. Guinevere landed heavily by a tree, propping herself against the firm wood to hold up the young Musicista. Crispino had just ran into the dust to find out what had happened to the other Musicista... and the Mostro.

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