The Eleventh Song

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"Naomh-mhàiri. We need to get you two to Headquarters double time. If anyone can offer you protection, it is the Società de Ussicore." Guinevere stated the next morning.

They were tacking their horses, eager to get out of the city. Tess slept little that night, waking up in a sweat, never knowing if someone was watching her, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Zenzero gave her a gentle muzzle. Tess patted her, pulling the bridle over her head. She finished tacking, biding her time by braiding a ribbon into Zenzero's forelock.

They mounted quickly, giving a nod to the stable boy who had looked after the horses so well. That morning, before the sun had even risen, they left Bologna..

Days later, Tess and Tyler halted their horse in front of the largest set of gates they had ever set their eyes on. The walls were equally huge, spanning fifty metres high and surrounding the whole of the city of Roma. Tess couldnt even guess how thick the walls were or how long it would have taken labourers and slaves to build. Zenzero snorted at the large shadow the wall was casting in front of them. The gates were open, carts and people walking in and out of the city.

Crispino led the way, with Guinevere coming behind Tess and Tyler. This had been the standard procedure walking through any town of any size. After nearly being assassinated, no-one wanted to take any chances.

Tess and Tyler could see the Vatican from the gate. A huge white marbled ray of light in the early morning sun. Across from it, the great grey tower of the Società de Ussicore. It cast a long shadow across their path as they walked their horses down the bricked lane. Mercurio snorted uneasily as they walked, Zenzero flicked her mane and even Trifoglio and Moschetto switched their tails.

"Keep a watchful eye. Roma is a big city and you never know who's lurking nearby," Crispino pointed out as he turned down a street towards the grey tower.

Everyone agreed, wary of the rooftops and side alleys. The tower grew closer, the street widened to an open courtyard. Musicisti could be seen milling around the stable set to the side of talking to each other at benches, playing a new song they had learnt, to a friend.

"Crispino! My Man! You're back early?" called a Musicisti riding up to them on a black horse. He smiled at them.

Tess watched him ride closer. He seemed around Crispino's age. His black hair had flecks of grey at the edges and his face looked well worn but his eyes were still bright and filled with a fire of fun and adventure.

"Ay, Leo. How have you been?" Crispino rode Moschetto alongside Leo's horse. A dog trotted up beside Leo, wagging their tail.

"Pretty good. The missus is out shopping whilst we're in town. A Mostro tore her favourite gonna and i haven't seen her in three hours." Leo angled his head to get a better look at the two young Musiciste behind Crispino. "These must be the youngins that the Captino has been telling us about."

"Si, si. Therese Firan and Tyler Aramarno. They haven't been through standard procedure yet. They'll be official apprendisti soon and you might get custody of them if you're lucky." Crispino elbowed Leo lightly, both of them cackling at an inside joke. Tess thought she saw apprehension flash across Leo's face for a moment.

"Well, I'll see you around, Crissy. Got ta find the missus before i'm knee deep in clothes, again." Leo trotted his horse down the street, the dog following behind, its tongue lolling outside its mouth.

Crispino turned Moschetto to face them. "Shall we continue?"

Crispino led them into the largest stables in all of Roma. Tens of horses stood in stalls, watching them with kind eyes. They nickered at the newcomers, stretching their noses over their barriers. Zenzero squealed at a proud gelding, moving closer to the centre of the walk way. Someone called out to them. Crispino answered.

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