The Third Song

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A/N: Play this during Tess's solo fight

The four had ridden well into the night, only to stop and make camp before they were rained on by an oncoming spring shower. Camp was made quickly and a small fire started. It was hidden from the sky by the tall overhanging pine trees. The trees stopped most of the rain and they were off the damp ground thanks to an adequate supply of pine needles.

They woke at early dawn, packing up their small camp in a few minutes before setting off once again. The nearest check point was another day's ride along a forest track. Few people used this track as it ran straight through the Dark Forest. Only Musiciste and stupid people walked this track. Mostri roamed through the forest freely, preferring to keep away from sunlight. Most Mostri in the forest were around the lower levelled twos and threes. The level five was definitely a rarity around this part of the dark forest. They usually roamed in the dark cave further inside, sleeping fitfully whilst courageous music slaughtered its kindred.

They rode their horses along the path at a slow canter, Cripino in front with Tyler at his flank. Guinevere and Tess rode abreast, a few horse lengths behind. Each was instructing the other on the basics of being a Musicista. The first lesson was to always have each other's back, no matter the circumstance, even if it meant putting your own life on the line. The second was that neither could effectively defeat a Mostro without the other. Sure, Crispino or Guinevere could easily defeat a low levelled Mostro with ease but the higher levelled one sometimes even needed a team of Musiciste to defeat.

Guinevere had her Bangio out, playing a tune foreign to Tess. When Tess asked, Guinevere told her that it was a popular song in her home country, Alba (Scozia in the common tongue). It was a ballad about two women, dressing as men, to live by themselves in the forest. The final verse was about how they had drowned in a river, joyful that they were away from selfish men.

Tess narrowed her eyes at the song. The way Guinevere sang it made it seem as though it was encouraging women to be free, but was written to make women feel as though they were dependent on men. It was a strange song, especially when Guinevere lived with a man.

Guinevere halted her horse and stiffened in the saddle. Tess halted a few strides ahead and turned Zenzero back. Crispino and Tyler didn't notice the sudden stop and continued cantering.

She leant towards Tess and whispered. "Can you feel it?"

Tess looked at her strangely. "Feel what?"

"Just wait a moment. You'll know." Guinevere waited, watching Tess curiously.

Tess felt a dull pain in her stomach. She narrowed her eyes at the strange sensation. The pain turned into an ache and turned her body to the right, towards the shady trees. "I can feel a dull ache. What of it?"

Guinevere gave a soft laugh. "It's a Mostro. The dullness is telling you it's a low level. A uno o due. You stay here and see what else you can feel about it."

Guinevere urged her horse into a gallop, catching up to the disappearing men, leaving Tess to ponder her strange feeling. All she could tell was that it was weak and it was to the right of the path. The ache turned into a fluttering feeling, making her reach for her Mandolino subconsciously. Now she couldn't see Guinevere or the men, couldn't hear any horse bar her own. Zenzero twitched under her, shifting nervously. She could feel the presence of a Mosrto too, but held her ground. The ache felt as though it was getting stronger. Tess's eyes widened in recognition. The Mostro was coming towards her.

Tess looked up the path. She still couldn't see or hear anyone coming back. She thought about galloping Zenzero up the path but that would be cowardice and she knew she was no coward. She unbuckled her Mandolino and dismounted her horse, throwing the reins over Zenzero's neck. Zenzero snorted uneasily, stepping away from the unseen foe.

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