Chapter 6

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"Wait wait wait wait wait. So you're telling me that you're vampire daddy assaulted Bram's human mommy and he was the result." I tried to make sense of what they were telling me.

"No. My creator had relations with a human woman and Bram began growing inside of her. When he grew too big for her to support Bram tore his way out of her womb, killing her in the process." Alexander corrected.

"Thats basically what I just said." I rolled my eyes. "Wait so if Bram's a vampire then how can he survive in the sun. Don't you guys go all 'sun burns' then poof. Vampire dust?" Bram chuckled as Alexander sighed.

"Is that how we are portrayed?"

"Remind me to give you lessons in vampire-ism Lina." Bram winked. I blushes and looked away.

"I'll teach you a thing or two about humans as well."

"It's a date."

"Ahem." Alexander cleared his throat. "Bram will be staying here with us. I hope you don't mind Rozalina."

"Of course not. Bram's a friend." I smiled at him and watched his pale cheeks grow a shade pinker.

"Anyway, I have enough human essence in me to be able to stand sunlight. I can also eat human food."

"Trust me, I know. I've seen you scarf down a burger or two." Bram and I laughed while Alexander became more and more annoyed.

"If you two children are finished squealing I'd like to get back to work." Without another word he turned and stormed out of the room.

"Geez what's his problem?"

"He's always had a thorn in his side." I replied.

"How do you know my brother anyway? He doesn't usually take in stray humans." I raised an eyebrow and put Dexter down, he promtly ran out the back door and into the garden.

"I'm not a dog, Bram."

"No I'd say you're more of a kitten if you know what I mean." He winked and I playfully punched his shoulder.

"Alright casanova, let's see you help me with my homework then I'll think of your kitten comment." Running upstairs I grabbed my calculus textbook and backpack.

Mike's P.O.V.

"Where is she?" Ashley demanded for the fifth time.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Well you're the one that has been acting like a little bitch to her and now she's gone. Explain that to me Sherlock."

"Oh my dear Watson, I can't begin to explain our lovely Lina's reasoning." I scoffed sarcastically.

"You just can't except that she, little shy Lina would ever dump you, confident player Michael. You're just pathetic." She shook her head and stormed off. I hate it when she's right. How could Lina dump me? I gave her love and let's face it, I'm exceedingly handsome. Sighing I shook my head and ran my hands nervously through my hair. Where is she? Is she in danger? I hate that girl for making me this way. I also hate that despite everything, I still love her.


"She attends school, brother." The small frame of his sister was silhouetted by the moonlight. "We also confirmed her place of residence. She lives with two vampire brothers, well ones a half vampire."

"That girl is brave to dwell with vampires." His sister nodded and waited for more information. "You and our brother will attend high school with her, earn her trust." The small girl bowed and walked gracefully from the room.

"I know you're spying brother." She said. The girl watched as her older brother materialized out of shadow. "No doubt you heard what our oldest had to say."

"I heard. Why does he need us? That fool should just take her out and have it done with." He snarled.

"Calm yourself. We must prepare to walk amongst these humans. Come, let's study."

"Oh great I'm not even in school yet and I've got to study." Her brother followed closely behind in spite of his harsh words. The sooner this girl is captured the better. He wanted to return t the way things were before his older brother let the power go to his head. Sighing he entered the spacious library and sat at a desk. If he was to work with humans he'd do his job well.

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