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clark help me
im begging you

what the fuck
who is clark

please oliver is playing mask by dream on repeat
they are so annoying

i suck his dick with a smile
for hours at a time


did you try putting him in rice
leave him for a couple days

no i haven't
omg he changed it
wait why does this slap

you're terrible
is he turning you into a dream stan????
do we need to call somebody??

omg wait i have to tell you something

please don't
why are you takinf so long to type
type faster woman

do you remember how im a paraeducator and im currently coteaching? cool ues ylu do amyway i have this lboy named jonas and he just makes my heart fill with happiness you dont even know. he cries a lot over simple fhings like tying his shoes and i find it steallt easy to krep him together by just distracting him, it works everytime. he starts crying cause his shoes are untied? i ask him what he had for lunch 2 days ago. he has to think so hard he'll forget

where are the tldrs in texts
too long didnt read

fuck you connor

low blow man
and for the record
jonas seems like a lovely kid

oh so pinnochio is back at it again
why do you always dig yourself into deeper holes

fuck you

you'd like to

how do you manage it everytime
what is wrong with you

amazing question
i have to go to work
jonas is waiting for me

i should probably do something too
i probably won't 👍

yeah you wouldn't
i have a question

what now.

are you rich

kind of

i wish you had told me this sooner
every mistake you've ever made is forgiven
did you know i actually saved 1000 orphans from dying in a fire
and helped an elderly woman cross the street

humble as ever

of course

22 - corpse husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now