Crash Landing

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HEY HEY EVERYONE!!! I'M SO FUCKING SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS STORY IN ALMOST 2 MONTHS;;; PLEASE TAKE THIS 5000+ WORD CHAPTER AS A FORM OF APOLOGY. I WORKED ON THIS INSTEAD OF MY FINAL FOR SCHOOL LOL. ENJOY!!! also plz forgive me for any grammar or wording mistakes, I probably didn't catch them all LOL (edit: hey guys some edits were made so if ur coming back to re-read this chapter it is a bit different from the last time you read it heehee)


"Attention, passengers, the aircraft will be landing momentarily. Please fasten your seatbelts and stay put in your seat."

What? What's going... *yawnnnn* Where am I? Huh?

I open my eyes, squinting for a bit while they adjust to the sudden burst of light. Once they are, I move them around to look at where I am. Oh right, I'm on a plane.

Wait, why am I covered in a blanket? I don't remember bringing one on the plane.

My heart drops. I remember what happened right before I fell asleep. Am I still?... Yup, I'm still on his shoulder.

His head wasn't on mine when I woke up just now, so I'm assuming he woke up a little before me. Shit, this is embarrassing.

"Y/n, the plane is about to land. It's going to be a bit bumpy so don't get scared."

A few moments later, the plane begins shaking. I think my earplugs might have fallen out because everything seems so loud.

After a minute or so, the plane slowly comes to a complete stop.

"How are you doing?" asks Nanami.

"I'm... not dead!" I say with a forced smile. Seeing me smile for the first time since we left the airport makes Nanami smile.


"That's great to hear. You did such a good job, y/n" he says with a soft smile, squeezing my hand.

God, this is so unprofessional of us, I don't know if we can continue this. I know right now his gestures don't mean anything in a romantic sense, but still, it isn't professional. After this flight, I'm going to have to cut down the number of moments we have.

"The local time is 11:34 pm. Thank you for flying with us and we wish you a restful night" says the intercom above us.

The lights turn on and people begin getting up and grabbing their bags from the overhead bins. I guess we have to do that too.

I release my grip from the hand that is holding Nanami's and get up, removing the blanket while I'm at it.

"Let's get out of here, Nanami, I'm fucking exhausted," I say

(A/n omg I'll do us both a favor and skip to where they picked up their luggage, took a taxi, and are now at the front desk of their super nice hotel)

After almost 10 minutes, we manage to take out all of Nanami's cases from the trunk and back seat of the taxi.

"God, Nanami, I know we had this conversation back in Tokyo but you didn't have to bring your entire room."

"Yes, I'll admit I did overpack. Happy now?" He says looking away, probably embarrassed. Poor thing.

"It's not that I'm happy, Nanami. It's okay to be in the wrong from time to time, nobody's perfect. Here, give me a bag or two to carry inside"

Still looking away from me, Nanami sighs in defeat. "Yeah... I guess you're right, y/n. Thank you for that..."

"Of course, buddy! Now let's get to our rooms, I'm knocking out once I get into mine." I say, rubbing his shoulder in reassurance.

Nanami turns his head slightly and breaks into a small smile.

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