Of Course...

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A week has passed and the time has finally come. Your suitcases are packed and you're on your way to the train station. You turn around to take one last look at the apartment complex, the sun hitting it ever so gently. You have lived in this building for almost 10 years, and now it's time to say goodbye.

You get on the bullet train that is supposed to take you from your location to the school in only 10 minutes.

You sit down and enjoy one of the complimentary snacks the workers handed out.

Anything tastes good when it's free, you thought as you happily munched on the snack.

The train stops after exactly 10 minutes. You hear your station name being announced on the intercom and quickly grab your things. You didn't bring too much since you aren't the type to have sentimental items. If anything, you could buy more things once you settle down now that you're close to Tokyo.

You exit a station and see a man holding up your name on a sign, a car right behind him. You walk up to him and say, "Hello! I'm Y/n, thank you so much for driving me to my destination," with a bow afterward.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine. We can't wait to have a new sourcerer with us," he says with a bow. He was a tall man with glasses and had a very frail body frame.

He proceeds to take your luggage and place them in the trunk. You felt bad having him do it all on his own so you try helping him out. You say you try because he would not let you touch a single piece of luggage. He insisted on doing it himself.

"Please, miss, I'll take care of it! You can go ahead and take a seat in the front if you'd like."

"Thank you so much, sir!" you say as you proceed to get in the car.

After a couple more minutes, you hear the trunk close and the door to your right open. He starts the car and you are both on your way.

"The ride to Jujutsu Tech will take around 20 minutes. On our way there, I would like to give you a summary of what your experience at our organization will look like. You don't necessarily have a schedule, per se, but you must be ready to handle jobs whenever you are needed. You will also be required to complete a few hours of discreet patrol a week. If you see anything suspicious, you will check in with us on your phone and let us know what you plan on doing. Of course, you will have 2-3 days off a week where there is no need to worry about being called in, most likely being Friday to Sunday. On those days, we recommend you get a couple of hours of training done with your partner. Other than that, you should have a great time working with us. Any questions?"

"Thank you so much for explaining! Let me think... I guess the only question I have is about my partner. Could you tell me a little about them? I want to make sure I'll be able to cooperate with them well."

"Great question. Well... your partner is quite a stoic man I suppose. I'd say he has a very strong moral direction and is very serious about this job. I hardly see him taking a day off from work or training. He is also very good at judging character and believes strongly in first impressions. As long as you don't mess up on that, you two should work along just fine."

"I see, I'll take note of that."

"Of course, y/n. And with that, we're already here!"

The car slowly stops. You look out your window and look at the beautiful school that you will now be working for. The buildings looked like traditional Japanese buildings and there were trees everywhere.

You both get off and grab your luggage.

"Follow me please, I will take you to your room."

You both walk down a hallway, up some stairs, and into a building with a sign saying "Faculty/Pro Sorcerer Dorms". After passing by a few doors, you stop at the one that has your name written next to it.

One Whole Week... (Nanami x Reader) (One Bed Trope)Where stories live. Discover now