The Things We Do

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"What do you mean, Sebastian? This has never happened before."

"Indeed, Monsieur le Comte. But I stand by what I said. The blood supply has dwindled, and replacements have been hard to procure."

I looked between them rather worriedly. This was a situation I would rather not see the consequences to, but le Comte simply waved a hand as if he had no worries in the world. "No matter," he said, very self-assured. "I assure you I will find an alternative source by tonight. In the meantime, please do with Blanc."

His eyes moved to Isaac, who seemed frozen in place. "Isaac, I believe there is enough of the supply to last you today." A bit of the tension left Isaac's shoulders, and this told me that he was who Leonardo had referred to in our conversation a few nights ago.

I looked to Arthur, who was leaning against the wall. He seemed slightly relaxed, if not for the way his hands were folded instead of in his pockets as usual. I edged over to him.



"What's wrong?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing at all."

Sebastian, who was watching the two of us, gave Arthur a look of sympathy. Le Comte and Sebastian both left the mansion, and Kiyomi and I were given a list of chores to do.

Kiyomi and I stood in the kitchen together, preparing lunch to our heart's content. Kiyomi was cooking with such fury, I was sure we were gonna run out of ingredients today. Asura walked around my feet, as if sensing our distress.

"Miso soup?" I asked, looking over her shoulder at the stove.

"Yep. Dazai's favorite."

"I hope everyone will be alright," I said softly.

"They will. But there's a few I'm rather worried about as well," said Kiyomi, picking up a sparkling clean knife and staring at it. "I have half a mind to slit my wrist and add blood to lunch, but I believe le Comte would kick me out of the mansion if I did that."

"He wouldn't kick you out," I said, staring at the knife. "The most he'll do is lecture you with that smile on his face."

Kiyomi and I shared a look. "Small price to pay."

"We are in so much trouble," I muttered as Kiyomi set aside some of the soup for us, and then slit her wrist, letting the blood fall into the other pot. I did the same, and we both sighed. "You alright?" I asked, looking at her for signs of blood loss.

She slapped her cheeks, bringing color back to them. "Of course."

The first one to notice something was wrong with lunch was Arthur. He looked up at the two of us. "You! Have you lost your minds?"

Kiyomi shrugged and I hid behind her.

"What happened?" asked Leonardo, as he took some of the soup as well. His eyes widened and then narrowed as he looked between the two of us humans.

Kiyomi and I shared a look, and the two of us ran and hid out in the library, rearranging books, until Mozart came in and dragged Kiyomi away, lecturing her under his breath. He glared at me too, but then told me le Comte would have a few choice words about what happened. I laughed nervously as they left, Mozart dragging Kiyomi away.


That night, I waited for le Comte to return, but he hadn't, and the clock ticked away the minutes. I passed Arthur's room, a sound of pain stopping me in my tracks.

"Arthur?" I asked, knocking on his door.


"Arthur," I said again, more forcefully.

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