Where Delusions Stem

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I leaned against the couch, my eyes closed as I looked up, watching patterns dance across the back of my eyelids as I recalled all the conversations I had ever had with the residents of the mansion, searching for a clue.

"Mina dear, what's wrong?"

"Can vampires get drunk?" I asked, finally opening my eyes to see Arthur an inch from my face. I jerked my head back and he smiled as he sat beside me.

"Yes we can. Why, you should see good ol' Newt when he's had one too many."

"That... would be interesting."

"But why do you ask?"

"Simple curiosity, I assure you," I said. But the look in Arthur's eyes told me he had a vague idea about why I asked.

Later that day, Sebastian sent me to the tavern to get some coffee beans, and I chatted with the owner, taking my time coming back with liquor hidden in the bags.

When dinner arrived, I poured Mozart's drink for him when he was speaking to Vincent. Not much, but definitely the strong stuff. Mozart peered into the glass after he took a sip, but apparently finding nothing wrong with it, continued to drink. I sat back next to Arthur, waiting for the show.

Not too long later, Mozart's cheeks were flushed and I stared with surprise at the smile on his face. Theo, taken aback, shook Vincent—who seemed to be out of it—and pointed at Mozart.

"Oh my," said Kiyomi, and I smiled.

"Which one of you gave him alcohol?" asked Napoleon, looking around the table.

Everyone turned to collectively look at me—le Comte with a look of resigned fondness on his face—and I raised my hands in surrender.

"It wasn't me. I... Oh dear, looks like I poured him the wrong drink. My bad," I said with a cheerful smile. Arthur choked, definitely hiding a laugh.

Kiyomi sighed and walked up to Mozart. "Come on." She gently tugged his arm, but he shook his head.

"No, leave me be, Meine liebe."

I tilted my head at the German. "My love," said Arthur. I stared at him, wide-eyed for a second before realizing he had offered a translation. He smiled as I looked away again.

"Why?" said Kiyomi, her voice rising slightly. Silence prevailed at the table, le Comte looking between the two of them worriedly. I leaned back into my chair, hoping things wouldn't take a turn for the worse. "Why are you avoiding me now?"

"You left everything for me," muttered Mozart. "Family, friends, an entire life for me. What if you regret this decision, but haven't been able to tell anyone? No one would assume that to be wrong, considering how kind you are." Pain was reflected in his eyes as he slammed the wineglass down. I winced at the noise. "I'm sorry."

Arthur's eyes softened.

"Don't you dare decide whether what I did was right. Not months after I decided to stay." To our surprise, she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and Mozart simply stared at her, a hand on hers. "I stayed here because I wanted you, and I made that decision because I love you. Not once have I regretted it."

Satisfied with how things were going, I nodded, silently giving myself a compliment. Arthur reached over and patted me on the head.

"Who planted such a thought in your head anyway?" she asked. I perked up again, just as curious, but Mozart didn't answer.

"Ma cherie," said le Comte, looking at Kiyomi. "Would you and Napoleon please escort him to his room?"

Napoleon stood up immediately. With a nod, he pulled Mozart up and headed out of the room, Kiyomi a step behind them.

"All's well that ends well," I mused.

"So this is why you asked if vampires could get drunk."

"Who, me?" I said, a hand over my heart as if he had accused me of a heinous crime. "This was entirely unintentional, I assure you."

Isaac looked at his own drink. "Please tell me you didn't spike anyone else's drink."

"I don't think I did." I looked around the table for signs of intoxication, and my gaze fell on Vincent, who had fallen asleep at the table. "Oh dear."

"Broer!" said Theo, a hand on Vincent's back.

Theo reached over to me, and pulled my cheek. "Ow, ow!"

"At least make sure you know whose drink you're spiking!"

"Now now, Theo. Cut her some slack. She did do some good for the little dove after all."

I made a sound of protest in my throat, and Theo let go. "Sadist," I muttered.

"What was that, Knabbeltje?"

"Uh, sadness?"

"That's what I thought."

Arthur laughed, and Theo picked up Vincent and headed out of the room, while Isaac silently pushed his wineglass away.


"Have you two made up yet?" I asked Kiyomi, as I passed her the dish I washed.

"I suppose we have," she responded as she wiped it.

"Do you know who said that to him though?" I asked. "It didn't seem like it was something he was mulling over himself."

Kiyomi shook her head. "I thought it would be better to not bring up what an idiot he's been."

My lips quirked up. "I daresay you need better communication between you."

"What was that?"

I almost dropped the dish as I turned to see Mozart leaning against the wall, a slight pout on his face as he looked between the two of us.

"Why, we're not wrong, are we?"

"I don't want to hear that from someone who's head over heels for Arthur and has yet to speak a word about that to him," said Mozart coolly.

"If only you were as nice as your music," said Theo as he walked in. Mozart glared at him, and Theo looked at me. "Knabbeltje, don't mind him. You're free to tell Arthur whenever you want. Let him suffer for a bit."

"What was that about being nice?" asked Mozart, an eyebrow raised.

"Is no one going to ask me if your assumptions are even right to begin with?"

Kiyomi laughed as she took the plate out of my hands. "If you thought Wolf and I were being obvious, then you two were even more so."

I sighed as Theo ruffled my hair, not exactly gently. "Ow," I muttered.

Theo and I watched as Mozart put a hand on Kiyomi's waist, leading her away. Kiyomi gave me an apologetic glance, as I waved a hand, telling her it was fine.

"Looks like I'll take care of these myself," I said, just as Napoleon walked in and decided to lend me a hand.


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