Chapter 14:~Living nightmare~ Part 1

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Legolas sat at his sister's bedside in the infirmary when Elora let out a awakening sound in her sleep. "Elora?," He whispered softly, "Muinthel," (Sister) Elora slowly opened her eyes and turned her head towards him. "Legolas?," She whispered weakly. Legolas smiled and gently took her hand, "I'm here with you," He assured her gently, "I'm not going to leave your side. Do you want anything?," And Elora swallowed. Her throat was dry. She wondered how long she actually had been asleep. "Water," She whispered weakly in a hoarse voice. Legolas nodded, "Of course, muinthel. You haven't drunken in days," He quickly poured up a glass of water to her and brought the glass to her lips and helped her drink.
Elora swallowed the water slowly but Legolas was revealed she actually drank it all. That she actually survived.
Legolas put away the glass on the desk and gently stroked her forehead. "Adar is here. He told me to tell him when you wake up," He declared softly. Elora nodded weakly and Elrond entered Elora's infirmary room with a warm smile on his face. "It's good to see you finally awake, Elora," The Lord Of Imladris declared softly. Elrond knew his son Elladan had affection and love for the Elf Princess/ Queen. He knew Elora did not know that. But he had discussed things of marriage with Thranduil, and since Elora needed a strong husband by her side to take back her throne. And Emersion had agreed since Elora did not actually know that kind of love anymore. Elrond, Gandalf and Galadriel was the only one to know about what had happened to Elora many years ago. They had decided that they would wait to tell Thranduil about the fact that his daughter had been raped once before many years ago. "How are you feeling, penneth?," Elrond asked gently. "Tired, weak...," Elora said weakly. Elrond nodded, "I understand. Emersion told me it will take some time before your body has recovered from the venom since it's cured, but you lost a lot of blood so you shall take it carefully and at least sleep eight hours these last two weeks," Elora only nodded. Legolas carefully helped his sister sit up in the infirmary bed. Elrond smiled but was surprised that Elora trusted Legolas so much that he actually was allowed to touch her in that way. He had been told by Emersion that Elora still don't like being touched by people who she doesn't know. He had also been told that Elora barley had let him or Aldon's wife Cristiana touch her despite the fact that it was almost a year ago that it had happened. "Well, Elora... I shall go tell your father he can see you now," The elf Lord declared. Elora smiled weakly, but looked down.
A few minutes later, Thranduil entered the room. "Oh, iellig, it's good to see you finally awake," Legolas stood up to let his father walk over to his sister's bedside.
Thranduil looked at his daughter in concern. Elora barley moved, nor did she look up or said anything. Thranduil gently put his hand on his daughter's shoulder. 'Please! No! Don't hurt me! Don't touch me!,'  Elora screamed in her mind. "Iellig, Ithildin, please, look at me, I'm not going to hurt you," Thranduil spoke softly. Elora immediately jerked away from his touch. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. She wanted to scream. Let all her pain out. But when she tried, the pain was blocked from coming out by some invisible wall. She was in a prison of nightmares, pain and agony. Why couldn't she just let go and let it out!? Why did her spirit and body stop her from doing that? Instead, her hands and body started shaking uncontrollably. "Iellig?," Thranduil said worriedly, "Legolas, go and get Elrond. I fear something is very wrong with her," Legolas nodded and left.
Legolas found Elrond a while later, but Elrond had said he would be there in just a few minutes and send Aragorn, Elrohir and Elladan with him instead. Gandalf also fallowing. Emersion was surprisingly gone once again.

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