Chapter 13

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*Galen's POV*

"How would you feel about going out tonight, Pup?"

"Out, out?" Will sprung up from where he'd buried himself in my bed sheets. His still damp hair was plastered to his face, framing his brilliantly amber eyes. They were gleaming with excitement now as he clambered over into my lap. Since our bath his whole demeanor had changed. He hadn't even bothered to dress further than pulling on the pair of boxers I'd given him.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Well I have a few ideas, but what do you want to do?"

"Could... could we go see a movie? Or eat food? Or see a movie and eat food? Or make a campfire and sing songs or go hunting or get more Gameboys or eat food. Or go on a train or go to the park or get an ice cream cone or go to Chuck E. Cheese or... or..." Will's sudden outburst trailed off as he sucked in a breath and I couldn't help but dissolve into laughter. It shouldn't have been funny that Will had been denied so much in his former life but the level of enthusiasm he had for life was damn near ridiculous. If only he knew how utterly adorable he looked peering up at me like a little kid on Christmas morning. With every milestone in Will's recovery I fell more and more for the man he was becoming.

"We can do anything you want, babe. Especially eat food." I ruffled his hair and he nuzzled his head into my chest.

"Why don't you go play on my laptop while I plan our night, aight?"

"Your laptop...?" Will's jaw had dropped in amazement at my words. He almost looked terrified to take it as I pushed it into his waiting hands. It hurt to see him so shocked to be allowed to touch anything he thought was "too good for him".

"Will, you can have anything you want. All you need to do is ask." His brow furrowed like it always did when he was thinking hard, just like how his head had cocked slightly to the left in a typical Will-like fashion.

"Can I have a sandwich?"

"Of course you can, Pup. Be right back, ok?" I kissed the top of his head before sliding out of bed and pulling some lounge pants on over my own boxers. No need to give the house maids a show if I could help it.


By the time I was back with Will's sandwich an entire hour had passed. I'd meant to fix him something quickly and be right back but one of my pack mates had wanted me to meet her mate. The first meeting with the Alpha was always a big deal in the McAllister pack. Vance McAllister, my uncle, had been loved by our packmates and I was doing my best to follow in his footsteps. The girl's mate had been a human but I'd given her my blessing anyway, something many Alphas wouldn't have done. However, I treated my pack mates with the same respect I asked for. That was more important now than it ever had been before. I couldn't deny someone their mate based on what they were if I wanted to hold their support once I came out about Will.

I knocked softly on the door before I entered the room, though Will should have been able to sense my presence through our bond anyway. When a hundred twenty pounds of wolf-boy didn't come bowling me over the minute I walked in the door I hurried into the bedroom. With a thousand worst case scenarios I pushed open the door only to find Will passed out on the bed. He'd somehow managed to bury his head under one of the many down pillows while simultaneously kicking all the blankets off of his body. His bare chest rose and fell under my palm as I check to make sure he was warm enough. After weighing the pros and cons of waking him up to eat his meal I brought the sandwich back out into the mini-fridge and returned to settle into bed next to him.

Booting up my laptop I got ready to finish up the pack business I'd been working on earlier today before Will had run off. Now that he was both silent and safely sleeping my wolf was at ease enough to allow me to focus on the monotonous task. In his sleep Will whimpered and shifted restlessly until finally flipping over and throwing one arm over my lap. His head burrowed into the pillow by my hip as he drifted back to a deeper sleep. I couldn't help my idiotic grin or the surge of happiness I felt. Even while sleeping Will was still drawn to me. The faint sound of his breathing provided a soothing background noise to accompany the tapping keys as I filled out more finance forms and official documents.

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