CHAPTER IX: The Meeting and the Old Debt

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Natsu, Lucy and Juvia slowly got up from the hit they received after landing on the shore. But then, they startled again when the ghostly crew of captain Ignia finally arrived with faces full of hate and anger. They were all more than eager to pierce the pinkette's heart with their sharp swords, but there was actually a good reason why they couldn't do it anymore.

"Hi... Natsu Dragneel..." Ignia said. "The famous Dragon Slayer"

At that moment, one of Ignia's men tried to step forward in order to kill the pinkette on the spot. But the moment his foot touched the dry side of the sand on the beach, his ghostly body turned to dust right in front of everyone's eyes. Seems like the phantoms weren't able to touch land after all.

"Ohh... I see..." Natsu said. "You are unable to touch land... haha..."

"N-Natsu... I don't think this is the time to be mocking your enemy" Lucy replied with a scared expression.

"You should listen to the blondie, Dragneel" Ignia added. "Mark my words... I'll make you pay for what you did to me years ago"

"No, no, no... There's no need to bother, really" Natsu said. "I'd really like to stay and chat but... Well, I got more important stuff to do if you don't mind"

"I'll be waiting for you then... Right here"

Natsu, Lucy and Juvia turned around at that moment and quickly ventured inside the jungle of the island with faces full of fear. Seems like the trio didn't want to see Ignia ever again if that was somehow possible. Though that was also totally unlikely now given the harsh circumstances at hand.

<<Some minutes later>>

The trio of pirates continued their way through the tall trees of the jungle until they suddenly fell victim to a trap hidden very well in between some leaves on the ground. A very wide net was raised all the way up into the air, dragging Natsu, Lucy and Juvia along with it. They were all now trapped and unable to move.

"Hey! What the hell?! Who did this?! Show yourself!" Natsu yelled in childish anger, though Lucy couldn't help but to yelp and sweat-drop at that moment given that the pinkette's head was actually lying right in between her tight cleavage.

"N-Natsu... Please don't talk too loud" the blondie replied.

After that, the person who had prepared the trap finally showed himself as Natsu, Lucy and Juvia widened their eyes in complete shock. Turns out the man behind everything was someone they already knew very well. And it was also someone who could only mean trouble for them.

"Jellal Fernandes?!" the trio asked in disbelief.

"Ah? How do you know my name?" Jellal asked in confusion.

"Huh? What the hell are you asking?! How are you alive?!" Nasu asked back.

But then, his gaze switched once again towards some other person who had appeared without a warning from in between the bushes. She was yet another person they knew very well. Someone who they actually never expected to see ever again in their lives, but that was now standing right in front of them.

"Erza?!" the trio yelled once more.

"Jellal!" Erza yelled. "Why are you taking so...? Huh? Natsu?! Lucy?! Juvia?!" Then, the redhead's attention turned to the trio of pirates who had been captured. "What on earth...? What are you doing here?"

"That's what we were about to ask you!" Lucy replied.

Following that, the redhead proceeded to free her old friends from their restraints. They all then followed Erza and Jellal towards a very well hidden cabin they had somewhere in the middle of the jungle. A very cozy place which seemed to have been made by hand and hard work entirely.

BOOK 5 - Fairy Tail (Pirates) AU: Dead Men Tell no Fairy TalesWhere stories live. Discover now