CHAPTER XII: The Trident of Mercphobia

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Juvia stepped at the top of a rock at that moment and noticed that there were 5 red lights shining from very specific spots in the big island, each of them being displayed by a beautiful ruby. What is more, there was actually a 6th light at one side, though that one wasn't as intense as the previous ones.

"How weird..." the bluenette said.

Then, she told her friends to follow her since she apparently knew where they needed to go now. Everyone headed towards the not so intense light and found a very big ruby stuck into the ground with one part sticking out from the rock. Almost like a gemstone button waiting to be pressed.

In addition, there was actually one more thing that caught their attention all of a sudden. It was a very weird message imprinted in the top of the ruby for everyone to read... and that said: TO RELEASE THE POWER OF THE SEA, YOU MUST DIVIDE. No one knew exactly what its meaning was, but it certainly was something to mull over.

"That must be it" Laxus claimed.

"Yeah, time to check it out" Natsu finally replied.

Then, he firmly stepped forward and pressed the ruby button, making the entire stone whole again. A stunning red light was immediately displayed by the ruby. And not so long after that, a bunch of rifts took form all around the island while drawing a specific form over the surface.

The red light which was previously being displayed only by the rubies, started coming out of the rifts as well. And then, the stunning light intensified even more, forming the figure of a trident on the ground.

Natsu and the others stared in shock as one other crack appeared on the floor while spreading all the way towards the ocean. What is more, none of the people present could believe their eyes. Because at that moment, the ocean itself started opening up in front of everyone's eyes.

A huge passage which was previously surrounded by water took form in the sea. And now, the pinkette and his friends were free to explore the depths of the underwater in search of the trident.

<<Meanwhile with Lucy and Ignia>>

The blondie was standing in the middle of the horrible shipwreck with the entire crew of ghosts in front of her. At first, Ignia thought about ending the life of the woman Natsu loved more than any other thing in the world. But then, he had an even better idea. He was going to use her in order to chase the pinkette down... by possessing her.

"Captain, you know the danger. Don't do it" one of the ghosts said.

"He has no choice" another one argued. "Natsu is on land and going towards the trident"

"Captain, there must be another way. Once you possess the living there is no coming back. You will be trapped in her body... forever"

"No, the trident will set me free" Ignia replied. Then, he approached the scared as hell blondie in front of him and rubbed her cheek gently while smirking. "Besides... What better way to kill Natsu Dragneel than with the person he loves the most? Hehehe..."

<<Back with Natsu and the others>>

The pinkette and his crew moved towards the shore of the island again. Specifically, towards where the huge crack on the ground reached the ocean while spreading it apart. There was no doubt about it, the trident was residing inside the underwater passage that had just opened up.

There seemed to be no way to go down easily. Therefore, the pirates were just about to return to their ship in search of some ropes to use. However, that's also when the rock Natsu and Juvia were stepping over fractured out of nowhere and in front of everyone.

BOOK 5 - Fairy Tail (Pirates) AU: Dead Men Tell no Fairy TalesWhere stories live. Discover now