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" I remember being in my dad's car, we were coming back home from his work, NYPD - New York Police Department, he was a police officer and I did like spending time with him and his coworkers, it was never boring and I always had good storys to tell at  my friends in school.

He had picked me up from school that day, since my mom couldn't because she had important meetings until late, at least that was what my father told me and what I believe in, until I was old enough to understand and find the truth on my own.

I was in the backseat, sitting in the kids chair, in that day, my dad didn't let me go in the passenger side, next to him, like he always allowed me when we were just few minutes from home and he was sure it was save for me, maybe because he had a stressfull day or was simply mad, maybe he had too much things on his mind to remember that detail, but unfortunately, for me, the simple fact that in that specific day we did that differently, made it even more unforgettable.

I can't tell exactly how close we were from home but I remember the exact moment that all the blue and red lights blinded me with their flash, making me blink repeatedly until I could see clearly and well again. The street was full of curious and worried people, they had like two police cars with more two ambulances and one fire car, I was very confused and couldn't see what was happening there or what happened, and I think that my dad was feeling the same as me.

After slowing down the car and parking next to the foothpath he left the car, openning my door and telling me to go with him, we walked together as he grabbed my hand, next to the crowd of people and as we got closer I finally could see a car crash, the car was totally smashed against a wall, there was glass from the windows all over the floor, I couldn't even tell if what was what, it was trully an horrific scene and I wished that whoever was in that car, was alive.
But those thoughts instantly faded when I saw the paramedics, I believe, caring two hammocks completelly covered in white sheets, for some reason I felt like my heart would come out of my mouth and a suddent will to throw up, maybe because I had never, ever, seen a scene like that, little did I know that there was more to the story.

As my eyes were following the paramedics a coworker of my dad, walked slowly directing to us, for some reason he couldn't look us dead in the eyes, and for the few seconds that he looked at me, his face turned sadder and worried.. and when he finally stopped in front of me and my dad, his first words were: " I am so sorry..." I think my dad was as confused as I was, but I felt the need of grabbing his hands stronger and thank god I did because I felt like my whole world collapsed in the very next seconds. " Your wife was in that car.. I am so sorry" The man stutter in his words, like he had a knot in his throat and I saw all of the light in my dad's eyes fade, he started screaming the word "No" between crying and searching for any miracle way to stop that feeling of emptiness but unsuccessfully.
I started crying too, I was young but I understood what dead was, or I think I did... I wasn't going to have my mother back.. I was nine.. and my mother was gone.. forever.

The next hours of moments passed slowly, while I was still standing next to my father I remember seeing Georgia, she was a lovely lady, in her middle age, she used to take care of me while my parents were at work and in the future, while only my dad was at work, and in that night, she specially invited me to her house, so I could spend some time with her kids and try to have a night not so terrible, while my dad could have some time for himself, and so that was, I spent the night with her and her two kids, Caroline, it was a girl with the same age as I and her brother Michael, he was two years older than us, all the three of us, played a lot, it was good and helped me cheering up.
It was a good time and I definitly got distracted but when was the time for sleeping, I faced my head to the wall and started crying, I cried all night in silent, making sure that no one heard me until I fall asleep.

When the morning came, I remember I was so tired, I felt my eyes swollen and my head was hurting really bad, but I had to get up, because my dad was going to pick me up in half an hour, so I did, Georgia allowed me to take a shower and borrowed me some clothes of her daughter, Caroline, and just after I finish eating I heard the doll ring, Georgia went to answer but I already knew it was my dad, so I got off the chair and I walked to the door, I gave Georgia a hug and I told her how much I appreciated the night.

As soon as me and my dad left Georgia's house, my smile dropped, he looked like he didn't sleep at all and he stank, not because he was dirty but I believe that he had been drinking all night and the smell was disgusting, I couldn't even face him and breath at the same time, so I satyed quiet and said nothing until we get home, he didn't made any effort to talk either and I didn't mind.
When we finally got home, the house smell as bad as him.. well maybe not that bad, but close and I realized that maybe he had been there all night. A few more steps into the house I noticed some boxes and trash black bags, I looked inside of them and all of the things in there were from my mother, I started cryin without even realizing.

    ─  What is this? - I asked my father, with tears in my eyes and my body shacking.

    ─ Is not your business Amélie. - His voice was cracking, and he didn't want me to look in the eyes.

    ─ She was my mom! You are being selfish!  - I yelled at him before I turned my back and run into my room, closing the door with anger and completelly ignoring his voice calling my name after and the knockings on my door"

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𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: 

Everything in this story is fictional, so NOT everything will be the same as it is in real life, such as the time that the characters might spent on school or career, I know that in real life it would take longer, but since this is fiction I made it shorter so it would be more interesting and for the better development of it too.

English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any bad grammar or wrong writting.

I hope you like this story and stay long enough to read it until the end!

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