21 0 0

It was very early in the morning, most people were probably sleeping or waking up to get themselves ready for work, meanwhile, I was already on my way to mine, some people would call me a workaholic, other will simply try to advice me and say that I should value the time that I have to myself because I will always end up receiving a call from work after my shift and I know that was true, being a detective wasn't easy but I was the one choosing my career and I knew what I was going for, knowing that, the calls or the extra work didn't bothered me at all.

After a few minutes I was already in the elevator of the department, there were only a few police officers there, due to the change shift but it wouldn't take long for the whole department be full.
I walked directly to my desk, it was exactly how I left it the night before, full of filles of unsolved cases. Since I started to work there, I always liked to take a look into those cases while I didn't have new ones to look to or even if I have, if I felt competent and capable to work on multiple ones, I would, but in that morning I decided to pull them in one pile and left them for latter that day.

While I was cleaning my desk I heard Dinozzo's and Martin's voices down the hall. Erika Martin and Dylan Dinozzo were partners and worked along with me and Tom, my partner. All of us worked together in bigger and multiple cases when necessary.
As soon as both agents approached me, they acknowledge me of the case of the day.

      Good Morning Reed. - Martin and Dinozzo said in harmony with a little smile on their faces and putting an archive on the desk.

      Good Morning agents. - I replied and grabbed the archieve, perusing it while they explained the case to me.

    The person you are seeing is Monica Martinez a girl, age sixteen, her parents have reported her disapearing and she was last seen yesterday on the night club on avenue 45. She said to her parents she was spending the night at her friend's house and her last track on her phone was at 11:45p.m. Me and Erika are going to interrogate her parent's.

    Perfect. So me and Tom can go to that club and ask to see if we have any witnesses and also with enough luck the videotape security. - I finished, putting back the archive on the desk.

After grabbing everything that I needed, I made my way to the elevator, to finally meet Tom, inside it. His hair was black and it was always messy, he was holding his jacket over his shoulder and two cups to go on the other hand and with a smile he greeted me.

    Good Morning detective. - he said with a charming smile and offering me one of the cups, which I accepted.

      Morning. - I said smilling back and entering on the elevator, pressing the 0 button. - Which one is the tea? - I asked. "the one on the left"  he replied. Long night? - I said, already guessing the answer.

      Yeah.. I spent it on the Young and Restless club, it's on avenue 45, I would ask if you have been there or knew, but since I know you to well and know how much you love to stay at home, I already know the answer.

The elevator stopped and after the "bing" sound I walked through the open doors. Well good for us, that you have been on the field. - I said with a cocky smile. Our next case starts exactly there. - We both left the building and already in the car and on our way to the club I started to explain him the case.

 - We both left the building and already in the car and on our way to the club I started to explain him the case

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𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦:

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that this chapter is shorter because I am still trying to improve on how I should organize the chapters and everything.
I accept and appreciate any good advice and hope you like the story so far! 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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