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Never in his life had Tommy been so grateful for Ranboo's existence.

"Ranboo!" He cried, as soon as he saw who was behind the door. Throwing it open he pulled the blonde boy into the house. "Never in my life have I ever been more grateful for your existence."

Ranboo looked thoroughly confused. "Um, thanks I guess? I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"Of course you aren't, why don't you come right on in?" Tommy made it sound like a question, but the way he grabbed Ranboo's wrist and tried to drag him into the house made him feel like he didn't really have a choice.

"Uh, no, I just left my beanie here, I was wondering if I could have it back?"

Tommy nodded enthusiastically, pulling him to the lounge room. Tubbo trailed behind, not even bothering to greet Ranboo. He was still mildly upset from being pulled from his impromptu spiritual Q&A.

"I have no clue where your beanie is, but why don't you stay a while. We can have tea! You look like you could use some tea big man." Tommy pushed Ranboo down onto the couch and walked towards the open kitchen. Tubbo sat next to him, watching Tommy nervously fumble with the kettle, hands shaking.

"Um- are you okay Tommy?" Ranboo asked tentatively, ever the concerned mum friend. Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Tommy shot back, dumping more sugar than acceptable into their mugs and grabbing the tea bags.

"You just poured orange juice into our tea, that's why." Ranboo deadpanned. Tommy looked down in surprise and swore, capping the juice more aggressively then necessary.

"That's fine, we can just eat biscuits instead." Tubbo said, walking over to stand with Tommy at the kitchen bench. He reached up and grabbed a beaten tin that looked like it was buried as a time capsule fifty years ago.

"That's where you keep your biscuits?"

Tommy scoffed. "Shut up Ranboo, you wouldn't understand."

"Yeah, biscuit tins are only for people with class." Tubbo added, opening the tin. Tommy brought out a plate and handed it to him. Tommy stared down Ranboo as he loaded the plate with biscuits and put away the tin. Tubbo poured Tommy's epic tea fail down the sink.

"Fine." He muttered, sinking into the couch as his friends approached him with the biscuits. "But seriously, can I get my beanie? I have somewhere to be..."

"No you don't." Tommy said, setting down the plate.

Tubbo shook his head frantically. "Yes you do. Ranboo, take your beanie and please exit the premises. Me and Tommy have some important stuff we need to get back to."

Tommy shook his head, pushing down on Ranboo's shoulders as he tried to stand. "No we don't."

Ranboo smiled awkwardly at them. "Really, I just need my beanie."

"Well we don't have your beanie." Tommy snapped. He then picked up the biscuit plate and shoved it towards Ranboo. "Have a cookie."

Ranboo's eyes flickered between Tubbo and Tommy in mild alarm. He took a biscuit and bit into it, watching Tommy relax as he slowly ate the biscuit. Tubbo was glaring at him, which seemed very sudden considering he seemed completely fine with Ranboo not even five minutes ago.

"What... What's going on guys? Both of you are acting weird." He said tentatively.

"No we aren't." They replied in unison. Ranboo's eyebrows furrowed. Then his eyes widened like he'd reached an epiphany.

"Oh God. You're possessed aren't you." His face paled and he picked up a cushion from the couch. "Get out of my friends you undead freaks!"

Ranboo threw the cushion and hit Tommy square in the face.

"We're not possessed!" Tubbo defended indignantly.

But Tommy had frozen in place, Ranboo's cushion at his feet. "We don't know that."

"We aren't possessed, Tommy." Tubbo said, rolling his eyes.

"So if you're not possessed, then what's going on?" Ranboo's eyes darted around the room. "Why doesn't Tommy want me to leave."

Tubbo gave Tommy a warning look. Tommy chose to ignore it.

"This house is haunted Ranboo." Tommy said.

"Okayyy..." Ranboo drawled, looking quite skeptical for a guy who thought they were possessed not even ten seconds ago. "So as one of your beloved friends, would you not want me to leave and save my life?"

"No! I need you as my human shield! A barrier between me and the supernatural."

Ranboo sighed. "Of course you do."

Tubbo seemed to have come to the conclusion that Tommy was not going to let the subject drop and decided that his input was needed.

"Well I don't think he would hurt you even if he could, Tommy. He seemed like a peaceful bloke."

"Who did?" Ranboo questioned.

"Technoblade." Tubbo sighed, his eyes glazing over with a far away expression.

Tommy shook his head. Ranboo seemed even more confused. "Is that who you keep trying to sacrifice me too in your satanic rituals?"

"No!" Tubbo replied indignantly. "Those ceremonies are for Lucifer and Lucifer only."

"Then I guess that's chill then." Ranboo said, sinking back into the couch, like everything was totally normal and 100% fine.

"There is nothing chill about this Ranboo! There is a ghost in my attic. And apparently, there's more than one! I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so! This place is haunted and we should ditch." Tommy burst out.

"I mean it does explain why the house was so cheap in the first place."

"You weren't so chill with having a ghost in this house five minutes ago!" Tommy almost yelled. Tubbo had started polishing off the plate of cookies, not really that invested in Ranboo and Tommy's argument.

"Yeah, cause I thought you were possessed! And it's hard to be scared of a guy called Technoblade."

"Technoblade is a very threatening name, thank you very much!"

"If you're a cyberpunk 12 year old maybe." Ranboo stated. "Besides, ghosts are cool. I've met a few when Tubbo sends me a little bit too close to the purgatory."

"You never told me that!?" Tubbo squealed. "Ranboo, I could have done so many more experiments!"

"No thanks." Ranboo said.

Tommy stood absolutely befuddled by Ranboos sudden casual display of okay-ness in the face of the supernatural. He realised he had just lost his only potential ally.

He was surrounded by freaks.

"Well, I'm just gonna go now." Ranboo gestured at the hallway. "Nice chat and whatnot."

Tubbo nodded. "I'll walk you to the door. Tommy, can you clear up the table? I want to try this new ritual I heard about now that I know this place is attuned to undead auras.

Tommy just nodded.

He somehow knew he wasn't going to make it out of this alive.


Deeply regretting my decision to end all chapters with ing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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