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After spending the first ten minutes of fifth period crying in the bathroom due to how humiliated I felt by Ms. Alexus, I finally pulled it together and walked into math. I saw Bri give me a look of concern but I shook my head, shooting her a half smile, sitting in the desk she reserved for me.

"What did she have to say?" Bri whispered. I looked over at her with glossy eyes and her face dropped, before turning angry,

"I'll stab her, Lei. I'll do it, I swear." Bri growled. I giggled quietly and pushed her shoulder.

"Relax. I'm okay. Let's just get through the day." I breathed. She shot me another look of concern, before mumbling an 'alright' and continuing her note-taking.

I spent the rest of the day in a trance, wondering what I'm going to do about Ms. Alexus and her triggering hatred toward me. I already have one important woman who hates my guts. I don't think I could handle another one.

The last bell finally rang and I stood, walking quietly to the gym while Bri chatted with her friends. I went into the locker room and locked myself in a bathroom stall, quickly changing my clothes. I couldn't risk anyone seeing my back right now.

This school and their fake ass values don't allow tattoos, so I cover mine the best that I can. I wrapped my binder around my bare chest and slapped a sports bra and t-shirt over it, before pulling on my basketball shorts and sneakers. I packed my stuff up and walked out the stall, just for me to be pushed back in and the stall locking shut.

"We have five minutes." Kayla whispered, looking up at me through her long, faux lashes.

"Baby, I'm not really in the mood." I sighed. Her face dropped and she pouted.

"Well maybe after practice I'll put you in a better mood." She smirked, biting her bottom lip.

"Is that so?" I asked flirtatiously as I touched her chin.

"Come find out. You owe me a talk, anyway." She winked, walking out of the stall.

Well, that's something to look forward to.

"Yo Pierce! Stop fingering your girl and get into the gym!" I heard Coach yell while blowing her whistle. I huffed and ran to the gym.

"Okay, boys listen up!" Coach yelled, her saying 'boys' as in us girls on the basketball team. Coach Kelly was something else, I'll tell you that. But she's a good coach, overall. My team has never lost a championship yet.

"Mrs. McGuire had her son so she's on maternity leave. Therefore, we will have a temporary co-coach until she returns in a few months. Introduce yourself." Coach Kelly stated, loudly. I heard footsteps come from the back of the gym and I looked over, immediately regretting it.

You've got to be kidding me.

"This is Ms. Alexus. She's new in town. You will listen to her. If not I give her permission to punish you in any way she wants." I watched a sadistic smirk form on Ms. Alexus face as she glared at me.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. One, because her biker shorts were extremely short and showed her soft legs and her really nice ass, and two because I know she's going to torture me every chance she gets.

"Good luck." Bri mouthed from across the gym with a sympathetic look on her face.

I sighed.

Let's get this over with.

"Don't stop, please.." Kayla moaned, holding my head to the place she wanted me the most. I continued to suck on her clít, moaning around it as I flattened my tongue and flicked it, causing her legs to shake.

Urban Intelligence (TEACHER X STUDENT, G X G) Where stories live. Discover now