4. There's so much to celebrate

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GENTLE FLAMES AND flashes of light danced upon the living room walls, illuminating the buzz of activity that had ruptured in her absence

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GENTLE FLAMES AND flashes of light danced upon the living room walls, illuminating the buzz of activity that had ruptured in her absence.

The twins huddled against Abel's sides, his arms draped around their shoulders to tuck them close, while Lorraine made cooing sounds at a distraught Ellie. Even the boys hovered as close to Zion as their pride allowed.

"I'll be right back," Derek said, squeezing her fingertips before crossing the room to fill the space beside Zion and a flustered Bethany.

Nodding, Ashlyn settled in the vacant space on the sofa beside Kass, her head resting upon her best friend's shoulder while her eyes felt the room.

Kass' elbow nudged her ribs, and Ashlyn turned to look at her friend and the loose fist she held out. "If it's good enough for Ben and Jerry's, it's good enough for me." Kass beamed, opening her hand to reveal a sticky ball of dough.

A burst of laughter broke Ashlyn's smile.

"Raw cookie dough never killed anyone. At least, I don't think it did." Kass laughed, waving her hand beneath Ashlyn's nose. "Go on, I saved you a piece."

"I didn't get no piece," Marcus mumbled from Kass' other side, eyeing the chocolate-chip chunk in her palm.

"Yeah, but I love Ash." Kass shrugged, the poking of her tongue at Marcus softening any blow contained by her jest. Ashlyn was quick to shove the bite-sized dough in her mouth and glanced away from the unspoken war waged between her two friends.

She covered her mouth to hide her amusement. She still lived in hope of a Christmas miracle bringing those two together. What was it Derek said? Have faith? A giggle bubbled upon Ashlyn's lips.

Across the room, Derek's gaze met hers and he raised a brow in playful suspicion. Ashlyn swallowed her mouthful and wiped the chocolate evidence on her jeans. Twitching her nose, she gifted Derek an innocent smile.

Suddenly, the quiet chatter settled around the room as Zion cleared his throat.

"No one can say how long we'll be like this, but it's safe to say it'll be the night." His truth was met with silence, then a whimper.

"What about Santa? He'll never find us here," Poppy whispered, her downcast expression peering over Abel's arm. Ashlyn's shoulders slumped, a fraction of the confidence she'd felt chipping away.

"Santa will still find you, sweetie. Don't you worry," Derek answered, his hand brushing over her hair. "And we're still going to have the perfect Christmas." This time his attention turned towards Ashlyn, who sunk against the sofa cushions. "Together."

Zion nodded and turned to Bethany plastered to his side.

"Bethie, Kass. You two will put aside all the food that won't survive the night—"

"Sugar mountain baby," Kass whispered none too loudly in Ashlyn's ear. Kass' excitement tugged at Ashlyn's cheeks, and she turned her head into Kass' shoulder to escape her brother's glower.

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