Chapter I

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Chapter I

July 8, I should be enjoying my vacations, I know I should because I’m roaming in the forest, something I used to love, maybe it’s that this doesn’t resemble anything wild and mystic anymore, but instead the city turned it into some kind of giant park, they even fenced all they could and they expect me to pay in order to have a taste of nature again. It is naïve from them to think that their fence is going to stop someone who used to own these woods. I walk and there’s people all round me, thinking that they do have some right over these trees just because they got a ticket, I look at their faces with disgust, almost hate for what they represent, and now I see more faces but these three disgust me even more, I reserve a special place in my black list for them, maybe is just because I actually know their defects and ugly habits, one of them for example; striking me with silly conversation.

- David! What’s up dude? -One of them yells at me while trying to grab my hand for some kind of      handshake.

- What are you doing Tom? -I reply to him while rejecting his hand, maybe rude but they are used to me being like that.

- Just saying hello to you… -He tries to be friendly, but all of that slips from me.

- I don’t understand. –I honestly don’t, how is it possible that this guy wants to greet me even though I always reject his attempts?

- We are concerned about you David, we all are. –Martha says while Alan nods his head.

- I don’t understand that either. –I would understand them if they were telling the truth, but I know that they are shallow people that don’t have enough interest to truly care.

- You are our friend and we would like to help you. –Alan responds. They all seem pretty sincere, they could fool me if I didn’t think that they just want to enjoy some drama and get gossip material.

- Friends? I don’t have such things. –With my black eyes I look at them with a stare that shows them what truth looks like, then I continue my walk leaving them frozen behind.

I don’t want to encounter any other being that doesn’t belong to these woods again so I find my way to a forgotten part of this park. But hold on a minute, seems like I’ve reached its limits, the fence ends here for some reason, strange considering that there are just enough material to continue it lying just besides, you could think it is still a work in progress, but couple months has passed since they finished building around, invading this sanctuary. I know my way around and is far from sunset so I decide to explore around. There isn’t anything familiar about this place but yet I feel like I’ve been here, maybe in dreams or is just the similar terrain, but looking a bit more around, this isn’t that similar to the rest of the forest, there are rocks that doesn’t seem natural, as silly as that sound, keeping in mind that well, they are simple rocks, but they are arranged in a weird pattern, actually it isn´t even a pattern, but it feels like one, mother nature doesn’t act randomly, but this doesn’t feel fully like her, but more like somebody was using her brushes.

While looking around I stumble across a cave, I had no intention to explore its depths, but I had the urge to stare at its blackness, it was pitch dark about five meters from the entrance, from where I was standing. I tend to find comfort in darkness, it feels empty and I like the simplicity of nothingness, but this whole in the ground didn’t feel empty, it felt like something was staring back at me, the more I looked the more attracted to the cave I was becoming, I was hearing the trees talking all around me, using the roaring wind as their voice, I wasn’t blinking anymore, my sight was completely absorbed by the blackness. Suddenly I hear nothing but silence, is so loud that makes me snap out of that hypnosis.

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