Chapter Sixteen

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"Joohyun," you call to her, but she doesn't answer; she just stares straight ahead.

Irene hasn't said anything after walking out on you back at Jennie's place. You expected her to hit you, to scream at you, to curse you during the ride back home. And truth be told, you prefer that she actually would.

Because the silence is deafening.

"Baby, please talk to me." You try to hold her hand but she pulls it away, still refusing to look at you. "Joohyun, babe... Please."

She closes her eyes; tears fall to her cheeks and you want to wipe them away but you're afraid that she might just push you away.

"Is this why you've been so distant lately?" she asks. She opens her eyes and finally meets your gaze. "Is this why you barely talk to me, why you always come home late? Because you're cheating on me?"

"Joohyun, it's not..." You stop yourself. You're so used to lying to her at this point that even now that she knows, your first instinct is still lying.

You realize that there's no point in lying now that you're busted.

Irene takes your silence for affirmation. "I'm right, aren't I?" A new set of tears flood her eyes and she wipes them away before they can even escape. "You're cheating on me with Rosé. How long?"

"Joohyun, let's not do this."

"Let's not do what?" she barks rather sharply. "Let's not talk about your infidelity? Let's not talk about how you enjoyed fucking her while your wife was overthinking about where you were, who you were with, what you were doing?"

"I was wrong, Joohyun. I was so wrong." You lock eyes with her, making sure that she sees the desperation in your blue orbs. "I screwed up. I was selfish, I was an asshole. I'm sorry."

She shakes her head. "No. You don't get to do that, [Y/N]. No." She bites her lower lip, perhaps pondering on what she should say next. "You're not sorry you cheated, [Y/N]; you're sorry you got caught."

"It's not like that."

"Really?" she challenges. "Are you fucking her?"


"Answer me," she interrupts.

You tear your gaze off her eyes. "Yes."

"Have you told her you love her?"


"So it isn't just for sex, right?" she affirms. "You do have a relationship with her. Right?"

You close your eyes in defeat. I wish she'd just scream and curse, you think to yourself. This is much, much worse.

"Yes," you answer in a defeated voice. "I have a relationship with her."

"And you're saying you're sorry for all of it," she says sharply.

You open your eyes and look at her once more. "I am sorry, Joohyun. I am so sorry."

"Call her right now."

The regretful look on your face disappears; you find yourself dumbfounded by what she just said. "What?"

"Call her right now and tell her how you're sorry you got involved with her."

When she notices that you don't make a move, she searches for your phone in the pocket of your trousers. You try to snatch it from her hand but she pulls it away from you.

Feeling horrified, you watch as Irene calls Rosé using your phone.

When Rosé picks up, your wife puts the call on speaker.

"It's Irene," she says coldly. "[Y/N] has something to say."

She holds the phone close to you so that the person on the other line can hear you. You know what Irene wants to hear from you, and you had no problem saying it when it was just the two of you; but now that Rosé is on the other line to hear you, you're unable to say it.

Irene waits a full minute and when she realizes that you will not say it, she hangs up.

She takes a deep breath and runs a hand through her hair. "See, you're not sorry for what you've done. You're sorry that I found out but you don't feel remorse for what you've done. And you know why?" She looks at you, tears falling from her eyes. "Because you love her, [Y/N]."

You can't look her in the eyes. You can't even deny it, because you know this to be true. You do love Rosé. And even though you've known this for quiet a long time, it still hits different now that it comes from your wife's mouth.

"I love you," you say, and you mean it. Down to your deepest core, you mean it. Tears start to fall from your face, too, as you watch Irene.

"But you love her, too," she retorts.

You don't respond, and you don't need to; both you and your wife understand that not having an answer is already an answer in itself. 

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