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sakura pov:

I slowly opened and closed my eyes still trying to stay asleep. I didn't have to go into the clinic today so I wanted to get all the sleep I deserved.

After a while I gave up my fight and finally opened my eyes to my bright room. A whole bunch of thoughts clouded my mind on what to do today and other things.

One of my thoughts drifted to my sort of recently deceased parents.

"Another day without you guys," I sighed, still in my pajamas. I looked over at my phone on my nightstand, it read 8:00am. Still a little tired, I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom.

After freshening up a little I headed downstairs for my coffee. After taking in the smell and downing a few sips, I immediately relaxed.

*ring* I picked up my phone immediately recognizing the custom ringtone.

"Hello" I chirped into my phone. "Forehead are you still in your pjs" she questioned. I sighed, my best friend knew me better than anyone.

"Yes ino I am" I answered. "What's up, you never call me this early." there was a long silence until she spoke. "sooo..... whenareyoumovingback"?
"what" I asked her. "I said when are you moving back" she hesitated.

*this girl*

"ino i've told you this already i'm not coming back" i replied, "but sakura it's been six years, please"
"NO" I said a little to harshly.

"i thought you cared about your friends, especially me." ugh I could practically see her pouting. "what about my job an-"

"I already thought about that" she said cutting me off from my sentence.

I sighed " Go on," I encouraged. *I'm totally gonna regret this*

"ok so you remember lady Tsunade, so she is stepping down and the hospital needs a new head doctor running it"

I thought about it " also,"she started interrupting my own thoughts. " Your parents just died and being alone is not healthy, doctor haruno," she mocked.

"I don't know Ino," I started. " please sakura I miss you the whole gang misses you, even after all these years." I sighed for like the eighth time today. *wasn't I supposed to be relaxing this morning?*

" Ino I miss you guys to but you can't expect me to just up and move changing my whole life around," I stated voice holding remorse.

" Sakura how do you think we felt when you did exactly that without telling or letting anyone know about it," she said in a harsh tone, which was much deserved.

" fine," I stated plainly. there was a long pause until i heard squealing? " Wait omg OMG this is so amazing, ahhhhhh." I laughed at her excitement, Ino can be a bit dramatic.

"i'm so excited, i'm gonna let you get all packed. call me when you land and get all settled in ok?" *sigh* "ok" ai replied. "ok love you bye"  "bye", i looked at my phone, she hung up.

"well looks like i'm going home"

The plane ride was actually wonderful, I got to sleep for the whole time. When I landed there was an uber waiting for me. He helped me with my luggage and we weee off toward my childhood home.

About another 45 minutes and we were at my house. I paid the guy and got out of the car and began grabbing my bags.

" Oh hey I could help you with that," The driver informed.

" Oh no that's fine I can do it myself really, but thank you and have a nice day." I reassured. He nodded his head and drove off.

I opened the door to my old family house, taking in all the memories. *Even after that plane ride i'm still tired* I thought to myself. I took of my shoes and started to head to the stairs. turning around I looked at all my boxes and furniture. " well i doesn't hurt to get some of it done."

Time skip after prolog the next morning

*beep beep beep bee-*

ugh damn alarm, looking over at my phone that was on my nightstand I saw it was already 6:00am. i'm so glad I got someone to come set up my furniture yesterday after I had completely given up, I was able to get a good nights rest.

"well time to start my day"

Getting out of bed i headed to my bathroom and saw the mess I dare call hair. * maybe I should get a new hair style for a new life style * I said to my thoughts. After THOROUGHLY brushing my hair and teeth I went downstairs to make breakfast.

After what felt like years of looking for pots and pans I ended up having toast and oatmeal. Not my favorite but it will have to do. When I was finished I thought of what I should do today. " I don't have to go in to the hospital till Thursday and that's 2 days away sooo."

then all of a sudden an idea came to mind. "how about going for a nice morning jog, I never really wanted to go on jogs in Suna for safety reasons so a jog in Konoha will be perfect. Going with my own idea I put on my workout outfit which consists of black mini biker shorts and black sports bra. I grabbed a plastic water bottle and headed out.

I was already 2 miles in when i started to notice all the changes in konoha. "wow things have really changed," I thought to myself, *no duh you've been gone 6 years dummy* I know that I was just amazed at how much I guess.

while deep in thought I didn't see where i was going, and ended up hitting a-wall? I looked up to see a handsome man towering over me. I immediately blushed, I mean can you blame me?!

As I was blatantly staring, I noticed he looked familiar. I brushed it off, and was about to apologize for bumping into Kami's son. just as I was about to apologize he spoke.


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ok bye 👋

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