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Sakura Pov:

As I was talking to Sasuke, I saw how socially uncomfortable he was. I cut the conversation short sensing that this conversation was already awkward enough.

On the slow-paced walk back home, my mind wondered back to what just happened.

* He probably thought you were a weirdo, * my inner thoughts interrupted. * What do you mean* You we're staring at him, basically foaming at the mouth. * I was not.... well, I think I wasn't. Well, what did you think when you saw him...? because I know what I was thinking. You are disgusting. Who are you kidding I am YOU? Oh yea, but I don't like him like it that anymore. It was just a middle school a-and a bit of high school crush. Please don't lie to your thoughts, that's embarrassing. Ugh, even if I did like him, he would just reject me like he always does. Maybe this time will be different. There won't be a next time. But this is Sasuke we are talking about. That doesn't matter I am only going to focus only on my upcoming work. Ugh, but boys exist. So do electric and water bills. Do you want us to die all alone clutching onto water and electric bills? Only if they're paid.

I came back from my train of thought realizing I was already home. I opened my door to be met with bare floors and walls.

" Maybe I should finish decorating," I said quietly to myself.

Before I started, I went to take a shower and change into some more comfortable clothes. I went to my room and opened the door to my connected bathroom.

I walked in and took in my appearance, I had sweat rolling down to my almost nonexistent boobs, at least according to Ino.

I turned the knobs until I got the perfect temperature. I then peeled of my running clothes and stepped into the warm shower.

I let the water run through my hair before I turned, facing the shower head. I relaxed as I let the water run down and soothe my slightly toned body.

After I wrapped my towel around my body, I went back into my room to change.

once I was dressed and ready, I went back down and started working on the boxes. While working on the kitchen box, I got a weird feeling. I glanced down at the floor where my phone was.

Tapping on it I saw what time it was. *11:45* was the time it read. I stood up and saw all that I accomplished.

I had managed to get the living room, dining room, and almost more than half the kitchen done. I was starting to get tired and a little bored. But I do have a loud obnoxious fun blonde friend one phone call away.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts till I got to Ino. Pressing the FaceTime, I waited a few rings till she answered.

"Hey girl, " boomed my loud blonde friend. "Ino you're still at work," I reprimanded slightly chuckling. " Yes, but you're my friend and also a distraction at the moment so thank you. Well have you settled in yet?"

"Thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I was wondering if you could come over and help me unpack and decorate my house?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sakura you know I don't like doing work when I don't have to," she whined.

"Please Ino I really need your help please," I practically begged. "Ugh, fine" she responded. "Thank you so much," I said. "Yea yea anyways guess who I saw leaving work early."

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