Na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN

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-Lilia's POV-

"Ok mom love you, bye" I hung up the phone.

All the sudden a hand wrapped around my mouth. "Call me." He whispered in my ear, all the sudden it clicked. Shrek.

-Spidermans POV-

I pulled the alarm and went after Lilia.

-Shrek's POV-

I want Lilia to be my Fiona, well her or Gabby. Lilia is kinda like my backup, Gabby and I dated until I found out it was just a prank, which sucks. So now I want Lilia, don't get me wrong Marina is gorgeous, I mean like really hot, a perfect 10, but too good for me.

Lilia kicked me in the balls and I dropped her. She hit me with a web- wait wtf how did she get... Powers?

-Lilia's POV-

I webbed him and ran.

Lilia- 1
Shrek- 0

I finally got to use my powers! Everyone will be so proud!

-Marina's POV-

I put my suit on and got in my car, we have to find Lilia. Just as I was gonna leave Lilia swings in on a web.

"LILIA!" We yell.

"How did you escape?" Dylan asked.

-Spidermans POV-

I know I should be happy she escaped, but I wish I could of saved her. Be her hero.

~later that night~

Ok I'm gonna do it.

I walked to Lilia's door and knocked. "Come in."

"Hi" I said nervously, I wiped the sweat off of my hands and onto my pants.

"I want to be honest with you about something." I said, she looked confused but nodded.

"I think I love you, I don't think that it was just a coincidence that we both have spider powers."

She looked at me for a second and then spoke. "I really like you but I think we should just wait and see, can we just be friends for now?" Friend zone.

"Sure" I got up and walked out. I'm gonna be honest, I feel kind of heart broken and I kinda thought would have been more like 'I love you too' instead of the friend zone.

I knocked on Nicks door.

"Sup" he greeted me.


"So Lilia kinda put me in the friend zone."

"Then show her that not 'just a friend"

That gave me an idea...

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