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-Gabby's POV-

This new guy keeps staring at my ass... What was his name again? Carry? Nah. But still it's starting to freak me out.

-Sam's POV-

Grace hasn't been talking to me lately. But I can't stop thinking about the other night... It was... She was... Magical.

-Graces POV-

I can't believe I did... What I did. I can't even look at Sam. I bet it was awful. That's prob why he broke up with me. STUPID POWER DIDNT WORK!

-Shreks POV-

Ahhhhh that feels good.

*hears knock at door*

"Coming!" I jump up and zip my pants.

I open the door to Tree. He's my new 'sidekick.'

"What's my mission?" He asks, like a robot. Omg, this guy needs to learn how to talk like a person.

"I want you to make Gabby AKA Ass girl fall for you, then I want you to break her heart. Then she will be heart broken and won't be able to help them when I attack." I laugh.

-Trees POV-

I saw Gabby walk into Starbucks. Perfect timing.

I went up and pretended to look at the menu board thing, when she was walking past I pretended to not see her and bumped into her, spilling her coffee everywhere.

"Oh- I'm so sorry." I grabbed napkins and began to help clean it up.

"It's ok." She laughed.

I kept staring at her until our eyes met. "Would you like to be the leaf to my tree?" She look very confused.

"Sorry that was a terrible pick up line, especially because I never told you my name. It's Tree by the way." I held out my hand, she hesitated to shake it but did anyways. "Hi Tree I'm Gabby."

"Nice to meet you." This is too easy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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