Is that love I smell? Oh, its just Shrek

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-Marina's POV-

This new school is sooo different from the last one. Everyone here is so... Stuck up, at my old school people were friends or weren't but we weren't mean to each other. I just saw a girl knock the lunch tray out of another girls hands and had her friend took a video, wtf is this, Mean Girls?

Ew, apparently T.T.A.T. Forgot to tell us he has a girlfriend. She is all over him it's disgusting. If you couldn't tell I kinda have a "crush" on him, I mean who wouldn't? He's super cute, and he saved my life.

"Dylypoo can you get me some chips?" Janie asked him, I think I'm gonna barf. "Sure I'll be right back."

She looked at me, which is surprising cause I didn't even think she knew I was there, "so how do you know MY Dylypoo?" Like she had to make it anymore clear that they were together.

"We're family friends" I couldn't exactly tell her 'oh he saved my life, YA did you know that he's a superhero? Crazy right?'

"Oh that's nice" I don't think she heard a word I said to her.

"Here you go." He kissed her on the cheek. My heart sunk a little bit.

"Thank you Dylypoo" then, as if to mark her territory, she crashed her mouth into his and basically shoved her tongue down his throat. It looked like she was trying to swallow him.

Apparently "Dylypoo" wasn't to fond of that kiss, he had to basically shove her off.

She just smirked at me. Why is she so happy with herself? Dylan just looks annoyed, I don't know what advantage she thinks that got her.

-Flannel Boi-

Grace is so pretty. I really want to ask her out but I don't know how. I think I'm gonna go talk to her.

I started to walk over, "hi Sam" ugh it's Courtney "hi Courtney."

"My parents are gonna be out of town this weekend if you wanna come over."

"Sorry I have plans." I started towards Grace again.

"WAIT" Courtney yelled. What now?

I turned around. "Yes?"

"Are you sure." No Courtney, I'm not, I said no because I was confused.

"Yes, I'm sure." I turned around and Grace was gone. Ugh.

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