Christmas Decorating||DDM||JJ

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Age: 2 years old
pretend she's talking in baby voice k? K.

JJs pov
"DADA CAN WE DECORATE THE HOUSE?!" you yell, running to your dad

"baby you have to ask uncle b, it's his house." I say, You just pouted at that

" you guys can decorate if you want. Christmas decorations are in the shed. " John b says, walking Into the living room, where we are

"YAYAYAY!!!" you yell

"what do you say y/n?" I lightly scold so she knows she has to use manners

"THANK YOU UNCLE B" He chuckles

"your welcome kiddo." he responded

JJ gets off the couch and picks you up setting you on his hip.

"lets go get these decorations." JJ says, You giggle excitedly, he carries you to the shed and opens the doors, setting you down

"stay right here. I'll get the decor, there's stuff in here you can get hurt on. Ok? " he tells you

You just nod and he walks inside to find the decor while talking to you to make sure you stay where your supposed to

He eventually finds the things needed and grabs them setting them by you so he can get the tree

When he has it he sees Kiara about to walk inside the chateau

"KIARA" he yells

she turns around and sees you and him and walks over picking you up and kissing your forehead

"yes?" she asks

"well you already did what I was gonna ask. But can you keep holding her so I can take these inside? I can't hold her and this stuff. "He said

"yeah. Is it the tree and decorations? "She asks

"yeah. Princess over here wanted to decorate for Christmas. " Kiara giggles at that and tickles you

"what about while you put the tree up, I keep baby maybank occupied until it's time to decorate" Kiara asks

"you would be a life saver. What do you have planned? "

"cookies." she says

"COOKIES? WHERE? " you scream, they laugh at your reaction knowing you love cookies

"yeah just make sure she doesn't eat to many. I don't want her to skip dinner or have a upset stomach. "

Kiara nods and walks inside carrying you, while JJ carries the tree and decorations inside

When he gets inside he sees you and Kiara getting everything you would need to make cookies, John b turning Christmas music on, and Pope can't come until later became he's helping Heyward with something.

He gets the tree out and starts putting it together (fake tree) after some time he finishes putting the tree up and puts the lights on it so all that needs done is the ornaments.

He sits down and watches you giggle at Kiara accidentally putting flour on her face

"your a good dad JJ." John b complements

"that was out of nowhere, but thank you. I couldn't have done this without you and the Pogues. "

"thats not necessarily true. I know that if we weren't here, you would still be the great father you are. "

JJ gets up and hugs him

"thank you. For everything. " JJ says

"no problem man. Now let's go see how much longer kie and y/n will be."

JJ nods and they walk to the kitchen to see you sitting on the counter eating a cookie and Kiara taking a batch of cookies out (pretend they have been cooking longer)

"how much longer?" JJ asks

"there done. This batch just has to cool down. " kie says, He nods

"would you mind if I stole y/n from you?" he asks

"no. Go ahead. She's your daughter" Kiara replied, He picks you up and takes you to the living room

"you ready to decorate?" he asks


"ok let's get started."

Skip time:
We just finished decorating, John b and Kiara decided to help and Pope came here during so he helped too, and Sarah ended up coming also so she helped

All that's left is the star

"baby, you wanna do the star?" JJ asks you

"YA!"John b hands you the star and JJ picks you up holding you so you can reach the top of the tree, letting you put the star on it

When you did they all cheered while jj brought you down and set you on the floor.

After you guys all just chilled while eating the cookies.

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