Dear hardworking friend

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Dear hardworking friend,

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Dear hardworking friend,

Even if we haven't spoken for ages, I just want to let you know- if you ever feel lonely or depressed, do let me know.

Never assume that no one wants you to cry because I - want you to cry. Yes, you read it right. I want you to shed those tears which have occupied your heart and are making your heart heavy. I won't ask you to stop crying because I know, I do know that you've been acting tough even when your heart is suffering.

I want you to know that I miss that carefree smile on your face. That laugh of yours that was unstoppable. The way you used to keep questioning the most illogical things until the person is irritated to the peak.

That carefree person is lost, instead-there has appeared this stressed-out person who's pushing himself day in day out to be able to build up a secure future. That carefree smile has been replaced by the clenched teeth-whenever you blame yourself for not doing sufficient hard work. That laughter has been replaced by the sweat flowing down your cheeks which has drained you of all your cheerfulness. Those nonstop irritating questions of yours have been replaced by you constantly questioning your fate for being unkind to you.

My dear friend, I miss the old you. I miss the time when you had that delightful and innocent face. It breaks my heart to even visualize you becoming a person who's sick from life.

Please know that your fate has never been unkind to you. I know, you might think that I would understand nothing considering that you and I have lived in different conditions. For you, my life might seem too manageable for me to comprehend your struggle.

But no, you need to know that even I have faced struggles in life, everyone does. Just because you and I don't have the same struggles doesn't make my struggles easier than yours. I'm not telling you this to brag about my struggles because, by God's grace, I have always had the miracles of God and been happy.

I've been happy because I've trusted in what path God has created for me, and due to that constant belief -
I survived. I always have been protected.

The problem with you is that no matter how much you pray, yet you cease to believe with all your heart. You forget to be grateful for what you already have. Rather, you criticize your fate for what you don't have.

There are people out in this enormous world- who hope to get at least one bite of food. You still can buy a meal every day, even if it isn't as much as you wish. You are not left with an empty stomach. Some people try to save themselves from the cool breeze by pleading for clothes. You still have a house, clothes and blankets to be able to protect yourself from the cold.

Why can't you be grateful for these?

I know, you are concerned about money, about what the future will do to you and your family. I know you have seen your family survive with limited money and I know that you have seen your parents struggling because of money. That's what caused you to make your life's aim-to earn money. But did you forget to live?

You are right, money is essential. It's almost impossible to survive on this planet without money. But tell me, what good is money if the person earning it is not healthy? Even if you want to earn money to make your parents happy, would your parents be happy if you earn billions and are taking no care of your health? Or would they be happy watching you being a depressed soul who's simply breathing oxygen?

Always remember- Wealth is necessary but wealth can be cherished only when we are healthy too.

In the process of earning a lot, don't ever even try to risk your health even the slightest bit. Trust me, it pains to even think of you ignoring your health for the sake of wealth.

I don't want you to be depressed. I don't want you to change. Although I know, you already have. Yet, I hope that one day, you'll understand me and be the happy and cheerful person you once used to be.

Just know that even if we don't talk to each other every day, I'll be always there for you if you are depressed. Don't ever shy away from letting me know that you need someone to tell- how terrible you are feeling. I know you'll never cry in public, and honestly- I don't even want you to cry in public. I know you've worked hard to let people know how strong you are. I would never want you to become weak in the eyes of anyone. I want you to stay that influential human you are.

But, along with that- I also want you to cry in front of those you feel comfortable with. Those- who'll understand you and I can assure you, I'll never judge you or consider you weak if you ever let those tears fall and let me know about your pain. I'll be there, always. I know how strong you are and I know, strong people too- can cry.

I won't ask you questions if you won't wish to tell but just cry, I'll be there to tell you- "It's okay, you can cry. I'm here."

Tomorrow if ever the need comes
- I want you to never hesitate from asking even for financial help. I'll never want you to face anxiety or burden in your life if I can help you in making your life easier.

Please smile more, but not that crooked smile that you have plastered on your face these days. I want to see that old cheerful smile of yours.

Your friend loves you! ❤️

Take care! :))

Take care! :))

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Smile, and be Happy...! 。◕‿◕。
Take care of your health, and of your loved ones..(◠‿◠)
Don't hold back tears, and stay strong! ❤️
~Laavanya Dhasmana ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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