Words unspoken

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Did you finally tell your parents how much you love them?

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.......Did you finally tell your parents how much you love them?
.......Did you finally let out your anger on that friend who always humiliated you?
.......Did you ever confront the times you realised that it had been your fault?
.......Did you assure your friend you haven't spoken to for ages that you are still always there for them?

Or all these words got buried deep within the ground of a hundred reasons to not speak them? Those words, though buried, are yet alive. Every word holds meaning that still is true, still inclined to be spoken.
But don't we know that we'll hardly ever say them?

We are disguised as a person who's constantly being cautious of not speaking too much or thinking what opinion we might suggest if we told those words...they can be any word. Whatever your heart beholds- sometimes care, sometimes anger, sometimes love, sometimes hate, sometimes regrets, sometimes acceptance...just a bunch of emotions on a tree of hesitancy in the heart.

Unfortunately, if ever an emotion falls from this tree, there might not be any Newton to understand it and the reason for it falling. It'll be just another emotion lying down on the ground, it won't ever die but remain there immortal and misunderstood.

Some words might make us come out as clingy people, some words might make us look pretentious...the reasons are not even hypothetical because, in today's world, people would hardly understand the true intentions behind our words.

"She might have some reason for being so kind." "What were those comforting words for? He'll ask me for help later on for sure." "Why was he this angry with me? Must be frustrated from his own life."~these unfortunately can be the reactions of people if we ever speak unspoken words to them.

The reactions are not even wrong in the first place. We might ourselves think like this if anyone speaks their heart.

Or maybe we'll even understand.

Who knows?

That's to blame the mentality these days.

Yet, I believe, for those who have the courage- they must go ahead and speak, no matter what the other person thinks of you. Tell them that you are there for them, tell them how they have hurt you, tell your parents how much you too love them and tell your so-called enemies how you honestly want to be friends with them. Tell whatever you want to tell...just say it! ---- such a dreamy world I created just now, probably spoke some stuff that made me look like I'm living in a parallel universe. Just as much as I'm telling others to say these things, I might myself would rather choose to hide these words in a locker with its keys thrown into the universe and it'll be floating in the space unless an astronaut comes across it. I'll then be requesting the astronaut to give me the key back, but if she refuses- then I'll snatch it because it's my key after all. Yet if I fail to snatch it back, I'll buy the key back and search for another spot to hide it.
-----(if that at all made any sense)-----

How I wish the world was such that whatever we want to tell, we could just tell.

Letters that many people likely wish to write to someone, words they are never able to speak and emotions they are never able to convey.

We all dwell in a world crowded with pretentious people, so if we ever tell these things to someone, we might ourselves be misperceived as one of the fellows of the pretentious club.
There are so many moments when each one of us, wishes to tell someone that we are there for them or they need not worry or maybe how much they have hurt us. Letters we wish to write to our friends, cousins, family, neighbours, or anyone whom we have crossed paths with. This book is a collection of such letters which holds unspoken or unwritten words... probably the words some of you might have wanted to say to someone at some point in your life. Though these are words written by me, yet I think they might synchronise with the emotions of many.

Hoping that all of us gain the courage to be able to speak out our emotions without sounding weird, or even if we sound weird...we must not care! 🤞🏻🌟

we must not care! 🤞🏻🌟

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Letters that I never wroteWhere stories live. Discover now