4. Hate?

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- what? - Jenny looked confused
- Hello, Minhyuk... I guess you haven't changed a little... Saying whatever you want as always - Rona answered.
- and you changed a lot... well actually showed your real face
- this isn't how you should talk on your first day at work.
- oh really? are you going to fair me? And what are you going to say? that I was telling the facts?
- Minhyuk... -  before Rona could answer anything, Seokhoon came to Minhyuk.
- Oh, Seokhoon hey... I was just talking about the facts and you showed up... Destiny - Minhyuk answered and looked over Rona.
- Let's go to the set... The first scene is Minsi dancing right? - Seokhoon asked to change the subject.
- Yeah... I haven't seen Minsi for a while, but that strip to Jeju iland was so fun.- Minhyuk answered
- Yeah...  We can catch up after shooting - Seokhoon said.
- Sounds good. Let's inform Seokkyung, she will kill us if we won't tell her. - Minhyuk said.
- I'll massage her, now let's go to - Seokhoon answered
- Excuse us, Ms.stealer - Minhyuk said to Rona and left with Seokhoon

Rona looked over them, watched how they walked together, hearing their small conversation she remembered the old time when they would hang out together, her, Seokhoon, Minhyuk, and Seokkyung, they would go to eat and drink somewhere or take a trip, that time...
That time it was a normal thing for them... Nothing special, but now seeing them still hanging out, or going on the trip but with Minsi... Made her realize how precious that time was... Time Rona could never bring back...
Rona went to the shooting set, once Rona arrived they officially started shooting, it was the scene where Minsi's character was practicing and Seokhoon watching her outside the door...
Minsi did her job perfectly, and Seokhoon... The way he was smiling looking at Minsi's dance was so natural, looking at him Rona couldn't tell whether it was acting or not...

- Great work everyone - Minhyuk said when he has done shooting all the scenes. - we only have a few scenes that we have to shoot in Seoul...We will shoot  Minsi getting hurt tomorrow, and next, we have to go to the Hogdong iland and continue shooting there...- Minhyuk said.
- We already bought the tickets, we will be leaving the day after tomorrow, we have to stay there for 2 weeks so be prepared, tell me if you will need anything - Jenny said.

1 day later
- Why are you packing staff? - Jaewook asked Rona Who was packing her bag for the trip to Hogdong.
- Have you forgotten? We have a shooting in Hogdong for two weeks - Rona said.
- Okay... And how long are you staying?
- What do you mean? I have to be there the whole time. It's my movie - Rona said.
- Yours... - Jaewook said and laughed - you sound so fun, sweetie.
- Whatever... I'll be living in the morning - Rona said.
- just stay there for a few days... 
- I can't...
- Why? Do you want to spend time with Seokhoon?
- Why? Are you that insecure? - Rona asked annoyed.
- What?
- Well, it makes sense... I cheated on him, and you can't be sure that same thing won't happen to you- Rona answered.
- Yeah, Bae Rona! - he said and grabbed her arm -  If you dare to do that I will destroy your life. So you better not...
- I know - Rona cut him off. - when I made a choice I knew what would happen, so stop being a jealous boyfriend and let go of my hand.


Rona took a walk, it was around 1 AM, she couldn't sleep so she went to the market and grabbed some beer, then she sat outside the market and started to drink the beer.
1 can of beer... 2... 3...
Rona yelled out of anger...
- This is getting annoying - she mumbled, then she got up to buy more beers, she saw a male buying a cigarette in front of her, she stared at the cigarette until the man took it and walked out from the market.
- That will be 1500 won - the girl said to Rona. But Rona was lost in her thoughts - Miss? Are you going to pay?
- Ah sorry... And add the cigarette as well.
- Which one?
- I don't know... That one the guy bought? And the lighter - Rona said confused, the girl just nodded
- That will be 25000 won
- Here. Keep the change - Rona said and walked away.

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