5. Hate.

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Seokhoon couldn't sleep all night, all he could think about was Rona, he couldn't understand why was she like this... She got all the money and fame she wanted so why did she look so miserable? And why she isn't happy?
Seokhoon hated it... he hated that after everything he couldn't help but be worried about her...
But what he could do? They were nothing to each other...


The next day*

Rona arrived at the airport with Jenny, she clearly remembered what happened yesterday that's why she wanted to avoid Seokhoon as much as possible...
How could she let her guards down? How could she let Seokhoon see her real face? 
But would he be happy? If he knew that she wasn't happy at all? Rona couldn't help but wonder.

- Rona on earth, please... Let's go we need to check out - Jenny said.
- Sure. - as Rona was about to walk with Jenny, she stopped when Jenny called Seokhoon's name.
- Seokhoon, Minsi you arrived just in time - Jenny said, both Minsi and Seokhoon greeted them, Seokhoon couldn't help but look at Rona however, Rona tried to avoid looking at him.
- We gonna be late let's go - Rona said without looking at them and walked away, Jenny followed her immediately.
- Is she giving us the attitude? What is her problem? - Minsi said annoyed and looked at Seokhoon.
- Don't mind her...
- Did something happen? - Minsi asked, she knew Seokhoon very well and by looking at him she could tell that something wasn't right, Minsi noticed how worried he looked while looking at Rona who was trying to avoid him.
- No... Nothing
- Really?
- Let's go... They are all waiting for us. - Seokhoon said and held Minsi's hand.


They finally arrived at hogdo, it was around 5 PM and everyone was tired, so they decided to start shooting from tomorrow morning, but until then Jenny suggested having dinner together after getting some rest, they all agreed, and even though Rona wasn't happy about the idea she didn't have much choice but to agree.

Seokhoon, Rona, Minhyuk, Jenny, and Minsi went into the elevator at the same time.
- what floor are you on? - Jenny asked Rona.
- Oh... 15th. U?
- 8th.
- I'll wash up and come down to your room - Rona said to her.
- Okay. - Jenny answered, the elevator stopped at the 8th floor and Jenny left the elevator, along with Minhyuk, as he was staying on the same floor, Jenny was carrying a suitcase and a backpack.
- I'll help you with a bag. - Minhyuk suggested and took her bag.
- oh, thank you.
- you're welcome. - Minhyuk followed Jenny to her room, and once she stopped, he took the bag and gave it to her, Jenny smiled at him and thanked  him again.
- By the way, what is your relationship with Rona? - Jenny asked.
- she didn't tell you?
- she doesn't like to talk about her past. - Jenny answered
-  of course, she wouldn't. anyways if she is your best friend she should be the one who tells you the truth about who she is. - Minhyuk answered, even though he wanted to expose Rona, he didn't want to put Seokhoon in an uncomfortable situation as he asked him not to say or do anything.
- You are right, but even though I don't know what happened to her in the past... I know what is happening to her now... You know her past but not her present, so you can't judge her. - Jenny said.
- As you said you don't know her past... And you can not be sure whether I have the right to judge her or not. - Minhyuk answered. - now I don't really want to talk about her, it's not me who she needs to ask forgiveness anyway.  - he added.
- What do you mean?
- I'm gonna go now, Miss Jenny. Get some rest - he said ignoring Jenny's question and walked away.


- oh, it's the 10th floor - Minsi said.
- Don't need help with the bag? - Seokhoon asked.
- No. You know I'm pretty strong - Minsi answered and walked away from the elevator.
- Get some rest. I'll call you later - Seokhoon said.
- Okay. You too. - Minsi said before the elevator closed
- What floor? - 15th floor was the last floor, so Rona had to ask Seokhoon, before going to her floor
- 15th - Seokhoon answered, Rona just nodded and clicked the button.

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