6. 99 times

322 22 2

Seokhoon couldn't understand why, but he found himself kissing back Rona, Rona ran her hand through his hair while Seokhoon wrapped his hand around Rona's waist, none of them wanted to stop, but Seokhoon knew, he couldn't go far, he couldn't let himself fall for her again, so he broke up the kiss and looked at Rona, this time Rona didn't avoid his look, she was looking at him.
- do you think you have any right to even hate me? - Seokhoon asked. - but don't worry that feeling is mutual - he added and walked away, as he couldn't stand in front of her any longer.
- Why? Why didn't you ask? - Rona questioned, before he could go inside his room, Seokhoon stopped and turned to her.
- Ask What?
- that time, you didn't ask why I did that - Rona said. Seokhoon couldn't say anything, that right he never asked, was he afraid of getting hurt even more? Seokhoon wanted to believe that there was a reason... The reason why she did it, he wanted to believe that she didn't do it only for money and fame, that why he never dared to ask... Part of him wanted to believe that she had no other choice, but he couldn't understand why Rona brought it up today.
-  Why are you talking about it now? - Seokhoon asked.
- Just...
- If I asked... would you have answered? - in the end, Seokhoon asked, it was time for him to face the truth.
- No... - Rona said. - there wasn't any specific reason... Not a reason you want to hear... - Rona said.
- I want to hear?
- You wanted to believe that I had no other choice right? - Rona asked.
- What?
- I knew... That is why I didn't say anything to you...
- So there are no reasons... Just money and fame.
- Yes. - Rona answered. Seokhoon looked away, what was he hoping? That she would say that there wasn't any other choice? Even though he knew... He couldn't help but be disappointed once again, that way without looking at her, he just opened the door and went inside.

Rona wished that she could say something... She wanted to have a reason... But no... She was just selfish... Thinking that money and fame could bring her happiness, but she realized it later... She was happier when she lived with Seokhoon in a one-room apartment when they had to work all day to pay the bills and rent, however, part of her was still selfish, that why she couldn't bring herself to give up, to say the truth... "No I didn't go through all this to give up like this" she remaindered this to herself all day...

next day*

Seokhoon and Rona didn't say anything to each other, they both acted as if nothing happened.
At the shooting set, Rona was quiet and didn't say anything fh, and Seokhoon was focused on his acting

- Seokhoon, Minsi! Good job!  - Minhyuk said once he was done soothing.
- you too Minhyuk - Minsi said.
- oh... It's 10 PM already. We can't film anything more today... So you can all take a rest. - Minhyuk said.
- Thank you for your hard work - Minsi, and Seokhoon said to the staff and bowed to them.


Minsi went to her room and washed up, she massaged Seokhoon what was he doing, but he didn't replay so, she assumed that Seokhoon was sleeping as it was around 11:30 PM and they all have been working all day.
However, Minsi could's sleep so she decided to take a walk...
While she was walking she noticed Rona, sitting near the bitch and drinking, she went close to her.
-  If you get drank you can't work tomorrow - Minsi said, Rona, turned her head and looked at her.
- wow... And you are worried about me?
- Why would I be? I just want to finish the shooting... And if you won't be able to work we can't shoot without you... Well, even though you don't do anything much... That's the stupid rule - Minsi said.
- Oh... Do you want to finish the shooting? Why? You don't like Seokhoon being around me? - Rona asked.
- Yes. - without a hesitation Minsi answered.
- Oh... Are you that afraid?
- No! I just hate how unhappy he looks when he sees you - Minsi answered, Rona couldn't answer anything... She never looked it in that way... "guess we both make each other unhappy" Rona thought to herself.
- And you make him happy?
- I don't think that I need to answer that... As you can see it too - Minsi answered.
- Making someone happy and making someone in love with you are different things.
- Yeah... But you can't do either of them... You can't make him happy and he won't make the same mistake again... He won't let himself fall in love with you again...
- Let himself? Do you think it's something we can decide?
- And do you really think that he can be with you again?
- Here you go... Making mistakes again... People can be in love but not together...
- Are you saying that you love Seokhoon? - Minsi asked.
- I don't need to answer that stupid question of yours.
- Well, then I'll answer. I hope that you love him... So you will look at him knowing that you will never have him... And that will make you lose your mind... That will break your heart...
- Huh... And isn't that how you feel? - Rona stood up and asked.
- What?
- You love him but he doesn't... - Rona answered, Minsi's blood was boiling with anger, she knew... Rona said the truth and she couldn't do anything about it. - anyways, I'll go now... By the way, I'm not drinking alcohol... Someone told me that he would leave me alone if I drank again. - Rona said and smiled, knowing Minsi knew who this someone was.

Rona's POV

I went back to my room, what am I even doing?... Bae Rona! Control yourself! You can't be like this!
I left Seokhoon! I betrayed him! Now I can't be like this!
I've got what I wanted... Money... Fame...
I can't lose it...
But... Do I really make him that unhappy? Do I make him suffer that much?
Again... I was selfish... The only reason why cast Seokhoon was because I wanted to see him again... And I never thought how Seokhoon would feel about it... I never thought how he would feel when he saw me...


2 days later.

Rona went out from her room to go to the shooting set, she saw Seokhoon waiting for the elevator, without a word she stood next to him...
The elevator came and they went inside together... But after a few floors elevator suddenly stopped, they both looked at each other confused, then Seokhoon pressed the button to call.
- excuse me,  the elevator stopped. Could you help us - Seokhoon said but no one answered. He tried again but no answeres
- Why they are not answering? - Rona asked worriedly.
- I don't know... Let's wait for a few minutes... I'm sure they will answer... Besides, everyone is going to the shooting set, they will notice that we aren't there.
- Oookay - Rona answered and took a deep breath.


- damn it! Why no one is coming! - Rona said, the lift began to feel very stuffy as the ventilation fan was not working. Rona felt breathless.
- Rona... Tell me you have your inhaler with you... - Seokhoon said while looking at her worldly.
- I... I... I left it in my room - Rona answered and she started to breathe heavily.
- Okay... Calm down first... Someone will come... So don't worry okay? - Seokhoon said, he was angry that she left her inhaler, but he knew that he couldn't put any pressure on her now, so he tried to calm her down.
- I... I can't breathe... There is no air - Rona said
- Hey! hey! look at me! - Seokhoon said and hold both Rona's hands. - remember, we've been in this situation before... 7 years ago... When we were going back to our apartment the elevator stopped and you left your inhaler at home, but you went through it... So there is nothing to be afraid of... - Seokhoon said to her, Rona looked at her, her eyes was teary with fear and sadness
- You still don't remember... - Rona said.
- Remember what?
- I asked you... I told you that day when I was at the Academy, I told you to bring me the inhaler when we go to that movie in the evening.
- What?
- You forgot both... to bring the inhaler and to come to the movie... I waited for two hours there... Then you called saying you just finished writing... After when you were done writing... Only after that, you could see that I wasn't at home...
- What are you talking about? - Seokhoon was confused.
- then you met me downstairs as you wanted to buy more notebook for your story... You still forgot the inhaler...
- Rona I...
- I'm curious if you realize how many times you've forgotten about me because of this story - Rona said, yes... Remembering that day really saved Rona from a panic attack as she was only focused on that day.
- Rona I... I don't understand...
- I remember every moment... It was 99 times... exactly 99... And trust me I can tell it in order... - Tears dropped from her eyes, while Seokhoon was still looking at her confused and hurt. - So don't say that you loved me more than the story of yours Seokhoon...  - Rona said, Seokhoon let go of her hands, now he was finding it hard to breathe... But before he could say anything the elevator door opened, Rona whipped her tears and walked out from the elevator immediately.

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