2. Pity you

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- Minsi Let's go - Seokhoon turned his hand to Minsi as he wanted to avoid jaewook
- Oh... Okay - Minsi answered.
- Wow, Seokhoon where are your manners? - Jaewook spoke. - Shouldn't you greet your friend properly?
- Friend? - Seokhoon scoffed - We were never friends.
- Ouch, that hurts my feelings Seokhoon
- Like I care.
- Of course, you don't. If you cared you wouldn't be here.
- What?
- Are you offended? I never thought that you could go this low.
- I don't think that you are the one who should say that - He looked at him. - Shouldn't your girlfriend at least thank me? Because of who she could go this far?
- What? - Rona questioned.
- Are you offended? I don't think you have any right though... - he looked straight at her
- Yeah, Joo Seokhoon! - Rona raised her voice.
- What?
- I thought you learned your lesson Seokhoon. You are no one... That's why you end up like this - Jaewook said. - You are so desperate that you couldn't even say no to this movie. So stop acting all cool If you don't want to lose your career... Well, I'm not sure if you have a career but still - he said and smirked.
- You do know that I don't only deserve to be in this movie... It was mine from the beginning - Seokhoon answered. - So it's not me who is desperate... It's your girlfriend who couldn't do anything but steal - he added.
- So? I could at least make it work... You spent all of your life studying and writing... But still, you have nothing - Rona said to him.
- The only reason why I let it slide was that I pity you, Rona... I really do. - Seokhoon looked at her.
- Pity me? You pity me?
- Yes... What you have isn't even real... You stole it from me, but consider it as my last present... I'll let you have my fame, my story since you are so desperate.
- You!!! - Rona looked at him with anger
- Seokhoon let's go - Minsi spoke before Rona could say anything more
- Sure. We wasted enough time - Seokhoon answered and left with Minsi

- Rona what was he talking about? - Jenny asked once they left.
- It's nothing - Rona answered.
- Really? He looked angry and so did you.
- I told you it's nothing.
- Rona let's talk - Jaewook said and took Rona outside
- Cancel him! He shouldn't play the role - Jaewook said to Rona.
- No.
- You will! I'm giving you financial support and I don't want him in this movie.
- I can find another investor if you keep like this! I want him!
- What? Don't tell me that you have feelings for him?! You are my girlfriend! Don't you even think that you can go back to him!
- Don't be ridiculous! How can I go back to him after what I did to him?
- So you mean that you want to go back but you can't?
- It's not like that! Why would I want to go back to someone who can not give me anything?
- Then why do you want him to be in your movie?
- I want him to see with his eyes how far I can go... He could be in my place but he was too stupid to make it work... I want him to know that it's all his fault!
- Okay. But remember you are mine so don't you ever think of going back to him - he warned and left.


- Seokhoon... you aren't going to tell me what happened today? - Minsi asked once they order the food.
- Let's talk about it later. I don't want kids to hear it - Seokhoon answered.
- Okay... - Minsi answered.


- Are you insane? - Minsi yelled once Seokhoon told her that Rona was the girl who stole the script - So you are telling me that the story we read today is actually yours?
- Yes.
- And? You are just gonna stand and not do anything?
- Yes.
- Yeah! Joo Seokhoon!
- Don't worry Minsi. We can not do anything about it.
- But it's wrong Seokhoon.
- Don't think about it too much okay. Just let's do our best. You know how important it is for me. I need to do a good job if I want to continue my career... You know that too.
- But still, it's unfair.
- Thank you for worrying about me... - he said and let out a small laugh
- You can laugh in this situation?! - she asked annoyed
- It's not my fault that you're cute when you are angry - he answered with a smile, Minsi blushed at his words and smiled.
- It's not my fault that I was born cute.
- I don't blame you for that - Seokhoon answered.
- Gosh, I hate you!
- I love you too Minmin - Seokhoon smiled and Petted her hair.

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