I waited, as I find myself doing often these days. The two people who were chasing me investigated the area, confused as to where I went and what the noise was, eventually they gave up and left.
I relaxed and shook out my tense muscles, finally I looked around. It was dim, but not impossible to see. What I could see was the short flight of stairs leading up to the altar, in the other direction was... nothing. Well, not nothing, just a long hallway that split in three at the end. But, as I looked along the hallway I saw doors lining either side. I entered the first door on the left.
Books. As far as the eye could see, book, after book, after book. Most were on catholic education but some were on different things, lost artifacts, ancient wars and other more interesting (or more boring) stuff. As much as they appealed to me, I had no use for these books. I turned to leave when something caught my eye, painted on the wall was a huge map which showed a great big network of tunnels and rooms, one of these rooms which was labelled library had a star marked on it and the room at the end of the tunnel was labelled church. The map was obviously a map of the underground network I had stumbled upon and the star obviously showed where I was. I looked over the map and two rooms caught my eye, weapons and food. I rushed to the room labelled weapons which had walls covered with (surprise, surprise!) weapons. I selected a small dagger in place of my piece of glass and once again turned to go before noticing another map, this time with the star located in the weapons room.
Cat and mouse
AdventureThe great game of cat and mouse The government claims they have come up with a perfect solution to... everything. Anyone who is homeless, unemployed or just not on good terms with the government is killed. This solves climate change, greenhouse gass...