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Stroke after stroke, the brush never coming to stop, nervous small strokes after one another and the paint all over the place, girl was taking deep breaths in while she tried to calm down her heart, pounding wildly to keep her alive.

She did not know why she was painting. She thought that she would not be real artist if she planned everything she was going to paint rather than pain her emotions on the blank paper which she never knew where ended up. Either it was dark colors filled with deep emotions which would move you or destroy you emotionally or for many meaningless nature, sky, moon and star paintings which were her favorite ones. She was not famous painter but people around her knew her. As much as she was known for her paintings she was more famous for her craziness.

She was trying to paint girl with different faces and emotions driven out of her representing her current chaos in herself.

More strokes she took more she couldn't breathe and was becoming harder to breathe.

"I love this painting" person said behind her and she jumped in the air, as in ghost talked to her or she was caught red handed killing a person.

"Thank you" she said with no emotion and continued painting without even caring about the stranger who was currently still watching her and slowly got closer to her, taking closer look at the painting.

"How long have you been painting?" He tried to talk again but this time there was no more response from the blonde girl covered in painting.

He saw how she was running out of breath slowly and how her eyes moved anxiously all over the painting as in double checking everything and adding more strokes as in previous ones weren't enough. Her legs were shaking as well as her arms as she dipped the brush in the black paint and bought it up again, trying to express her feelings more.

Boy did not leave, waiting how all these would end up. Slowly the blondes eyes started rolling and the brush fell down from her hand as she started to fell down on the floor.

The guy let go of everything that he was holding and took her in his arms. "What- are you okay? Hello??" He slashed some water from his bottle and slapped her softly to bring her back. She was there looking still anxious and worried even if she was unconscious. Her body shook here and there, scaring the boy more.

After a while she opened her eyes and stood up as if nothing happened. She wrapped her body in a blanket and slowly made tea for both of them. Boy sat on the floor shocked not knowing what to say or what to feel. All these were weird for him.

"Let's go " she said and he followed closely behind, ending up on a university rooftop soon. She handed him the cup and placed her own on the small table. She took out the cigarette and soon it was placed between her lips, taking deep stroke in.

"Smoking kills you know?" The boy said trying to lift up the mood but in vain since the girls answer made his blood go cold

"That's the point of it is not it?" She looked so broken and petite, her body being half of what is should be, bones sticking from her skin, hollow cheeks and bright blue eyes shining through the gloomy face. But even the brightness of the eyes couldn't hide the shattered glasses on her eyes, as if it reflected her heart.

She took deep breath in and closed her eyes, looking at the sky slowly, and as in everything around her disappeared her face became calm and softer. She became brand new person, someone more calm, not as shattered as the girl 5 minutes ago drawing her emotions out, dreading to dump them somehow and forget them forever.

"I love sunset sky, it's peaceful " she whispered so quietly that if the boy was not observing her while doing so he would miss it out.

"It surely is peaceful." Boy smiled and also looked at it, after some minutes she left without saying a word, going back to painting till who knows what time. Maybe she slept today, but maybe she did mot, maybe she was crying while painting, wishing to feel as peaceful as she did while watching the sunset. But guy still stood on the rooftop, not moving till it was time to go back from where he came from.

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