6-The Prophecy

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Wow- I have not used Wattpad in a LONG LONG LONG time... I'm a bit new to this now that there are updates but I am happy to say that my grammar has improved HAHAHAHA. Anyways- I saw that we hit over 1,000 reads! And for that I thought that people would want to see what happens next after Chapter 5 so, here we are hehe.

I haven't seen NINJAGO in quite a while, I did see a few new episodes and I now hear that NYA BECAME A SIREN? I DEFINITELY MISSED A LOT and will be catching up...

Disclaimer: In this story Ray and Maya (Kai and Nya's parents) are not included, why? Because it will ruin the flow of the plot HAHAHA. So please don't be confused.


Jay's Pov

After being LITERALLY DRAGGED all the way out by my girlfriend, she lightly smacked my arm and said "Behave yourself, Jay!"

"Sorry... It's just that I have never even heard about this weird illness and now I hear that Sensei Wu has it?? It seems surreal!"

"I know..." Nya says while facing down before quickly meeting my eyes again "But freaking out doesn't help! What we need to do is to find this Master of Water- if there even is one?"

The team including Dr. William exited the laboratory and excused himself to see another patient

"Let's go to Zane's house." Lloyd said

Me and Nya both exchanged glances, confused as to why we need to go to Zane's house, but reluctantly followed our leader

At Zane's house

"So why we here?" I say outloud

"Shouldn't we be beside Wu? I mean he does have this... B.D.I Illness." I continued

"Its D.I.B Illness Jay, not B.D.I" Harumi said as she rolled her eyes "And we are here to discuss what the prophecy is so we needed privacy"

"Wait- Hold on... Back track... Prophecy?" Nya asked

"Okay, what the heck did we miss?" I say to the team

Zane turned around to a blank wall and started to project a screen from his right eye. The projected screen tells a story in a dialect I cannot understand

Zane then said "Roughly translated, it says..."

A Water Ninja, one of the rarest ninjas known to mankind can do little things like pulling water from the air and forming a little pond, to big things like controlling an entire whirlpool and curing diseases. Diseases are life-threatening and fatal, but has one natural cure and that is the existence of the Master of Water. The Master of Water has a natural way of curing diseases as their element which is water is full of life-forces which modern medicine cannot compare to. The Water Ninja is very rare as one person has to have a connection to the first water ninja to even have a chance of controlling water, and not only that but they have to be proven worthy.

"The Water Ninja is a complexed elemental master, but from my quick research, what I had just said is the basic description of one." Zane said

"Now, to the prophecy" Zane changed the screen

"The prophecy of the Water Ninja is that they are very emotional. Their mental state is as deep as the ocean- even confusing the Water Ninja themselves at times... The most powerful Water Ninja will have to choose between being righteous and being selfish and the Water Ninja's decision will change all of Ninjago for all eternity."

Zane then removed the projected screen and turned back to us

"It is obvious that we need to be careful when looking for this Water Ninja... To be able to save Wu we need to find this person... But keep in mind that they are very powerful and very emotional. From my research, the more they dive in to their emotions, the stronger their powers will be- it can even cut through steel at times-."

"But where do we even find this Water Ninja?" Kai cutted in

Zane then looked at Kai and replied with "In the Fountain of Purification"

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